Subpart 1.Logging supervisor.A licensee must not permit an individual to act as a logging supervisor until the individual:
A. completes training in the subjects under subpart 5;B. receives copies of and instruction in: (1) the applicable provisions of parts 4731.1000 to 4731.2950 and 4731.7000 to 4731.7280;(2) the license under which the logging supervisor will perform well logging; and(3) the licensee's operating and emergency procedures required under part 4731.7210;C. completes on-the-job training and demonstrates competence in the use of licensed materials, remote handling tools, and radiation survey instruments by a field evaluation; andD. demonstrates understanding of the materials under items A and B by successfully completing a written test.Subp. 2.Logging assistant.A licensee must not permit an individual to act as a logging assistant until the individual:
A. receives instruction in applicable provisions of parts 4731.1000 to 4731.2950;B. receives copies of and instruction in the licensee's operating and emergency procedures required under part 4731.7210;C. demonstrates understanding of the materials under items A and B by successfully completing a written or oral test; andD. receives instruction in the use of licensed materials, remote handling tools, and radiation survey instruments, as appropriate for the logging assistant's intended job responsibilities.Subp. 3.Safety reviews.A licensee must provide safety reviews for logging supervisors and logging assistants at least once during each calendar year.
Subp. 4.Records.A licensee must maintain a record on each logging supervisor's and logging assistant's training and annual safety review. The training records must include copies of written tests and dates of oral tests given after July 14, 1987. The training records must be retained for three years following the termination of employment. Records of annual safety reviews must list the topics discussed and must be retained for three years.
Subp. 5.Training subjects.A licensee must include the following subjects in the training required under subpart 1, item A:
A. fundamentals of radiation safety, including: (1) characteristics of radiation;(2) units of radiation dose and quantity of radioactivity;(3) hazards of exposure to radiation;(4) levels of radiation from licensed material;(5) methods of controlling radiation dose, including time, distance, and shielding; and(6) radiation safety practices, including prevention of contamination, and methods of decontamination;B. radiation detection instruments, including: (1) use, operation, calibration, and limitations of radiation survey instruments;(2) survey techniques; and(3) use of personnel monitoring equipment;C. equipment to be used, including:(1) operation of equipment, including source handling equipment and remote handling tools;(2) storage, control, and disposal of licensed material; and(3) maintenance of equipment;D. the requirements of pertinent state rules; andE. case histories of accidents in well logging.Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4731, WELL LOGGING, pt. 4731.7200
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.1202; 144.1203