Subpart 1.Required reports.If not reported under other parts of this chapter, a licensee must report the following events:
A. source stuck in an unshielded position;B. any fire or explosion in a radiation room;C. damage to the source racks;D. failure of the cable or drive mechanism used to move the source racks;E. inoperability of the access control system;F. detection of radiation source by the product exit monitor;G. detection of radioactive contamination attributable to licensed radioactive material;H. structural damage to the pool liner or walls;I. abnormal water loss or leakage from the source storage pool; andJ. pool water conductivity exceeding 100 microsiemens per centimeter.Subp. 2.Content.A report under subpart 1 must include a telephone report within 24 hours according to part 4731.3110, subpart 3, item A, and a written report within 30 days according to part 4731.3110, subpart 3, item B.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4731, IRRADIATORS, pt. 4731.6270
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.1202; 144.1203