Each person who receives source or radioactive material pursuant to a license issued under this chapter must keep records showing the receipt, transfer, and disposal of the source or radioactive material. Subparts 2 to 5 are in addition to other applicable rules in this chapter pertaining to records. If there is a conflict between this chapter, a license condition, or other written commissioner approval or authorization pertaining to the retention period for the same type of record, the longest retention period specified takes precedence.
A licensee must use the units curie, rad, or rem or the international systems of units (SI) as appropriate, including multiples and subdivisions, and must clearly indicate the units of all quantities on records required under this chapter.
Notwithstanding the requirements of subpart 3, when recording information on shipment manifests, required under part 4731.2450, subpart 2, information must be recorded in SI units or in SI and units as specified in subpart 3.
A licensee must make a clear distinction among the quantities entered on records required under this chapter, for example, among the quantities of total effective dose equivalent, shallow dose equivalent, lens dose equivalent, deep dose equivalent, and committed effective dose equivalent.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4731, GENERAL PROVISIONS, pt. 4731.0210
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.1202; 144.1203