Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4665, FINES, pt. 4665.9040
Penalty assessments for violations of parts 4665.3300 to 4665.4100 are as follows:
"Upon request, a resident or parent or guardian shall be provided with a summary of the resident's health record within a reasonable period of time following discharge. All information contained in the resident's health records shall be considered privileged and confidential, and written consent of the resident or a parent shall be required for the release of information to persons not otherwise authorized to receive it. The resident shall have access to the health record upon request.", $250;
"All entries in the resident's health record shall be legible, dated, and authenticated by the signature and other identifying designation of the individual making the entry.", $300; and
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4665, FINES, pt. 4665.9040
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.653