The kitchen must be located conveniently to the service entrance, food storage areas, and dining area. Door openings to food preparation areas must be located away from entrances to soiled linen or utility rooms, trash rooms, or a laundry. The kitchen area must be arranged for efficient operation and must contain sufficient space and equipment for the type of food service selected. If a commercial food service is used, or if meals are provided by another facility, the kitchen areas and equipment must be designed to provide for the safe and sanitary storage, processing, and handling of such food. The kitchen area must be subjected only to that traffic which is directly related to the functions of the food service. Food storage areas must be located to avoid delivery traffic through the kitchen area.
A kitchen and food storage area designed for limited food preparation should be arranged for possible future expansion in case a nursing home reverts to a standard-type food service at a later date. Doors with locks must be provided to secure the kitchen and food storage areas during off-hours.
A well-ventilated storeroom must be provided for day storage and for the reserve food supply. The maximum temperature of the storeroom must not exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The storeroom must have storage capacity for at least one week's supplies. Shelving must be finished with a washable surface, and the bottom shelf must be at least six inches above the floor. Floor drains must not be provided.
Mechanical refrigeration or hot food storage facilities must be provided to ensure the maintenance of potentially hazardous food at required temperatures. Each storage facility must be provided with a numerically scaled-temperature indicating device accurate to plus or minus three degrees Fahrenheit (plus or minus two degrees centigrade) located to measure the air temperature in the warmest part of the refrigeration facility or the coldest part of the hot holding facility. Temperature-indicating devices must be securely fastened and located to be easily readable. Where it is impractical to install fixed temperature-indicating devices on equipment such as cold table tops, steam tables, processing lines, kettles, heat lamps, or portable transport carriers, a product thermometer of metal stem type construction, numerically scaled, and accurate to plus or minus two degrees Fahrenheit (plus or minus one degree centigrade) must be provided and used to check internal food temperatures. Floor drains, directly connected to the building sewer system, must not be provided inside the room.
Enclosed storage must be provided for all china, glasses, flatware, and other food service utensils, including cooking utensils, pots, and pans. Dishes and utensils must not be stored in the dishwashing area.
The dietary department must be provided with its own janitor's closet with a floor receptor or service sink, and storage for housekeeping supplies and equipment.
At least one sink with a single-service towel dispenser must be provided in the food preparation area and in the clean end of the dishwashing area. Mirrors must not be installed in food preparation areas. The use of a common towel is prohibited.
A toilet room must be accessible for the dietary staff. It must not open directly into any food service area. It must contain a toilet, sink, mirror, and a single-service towel dispenser. The use of a common towel is prohibited.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4658, DIETARY, LAUNDRY, AND OTHER FACILITIES; NEW CONSTRUCTION, pt. 4658.4300
Statutory Authority: MS s 144A.04; 144A.08