The hospital structure and its equipment shall be kept in good repair and operated at all times with regard for the health, treatment, comfort, safety, and well-being of the patients and personnel. All dangerous areas and equipment shall be provided with proper guards and appropriate devices to prevent accidents. Elevators, dumbwaiters, and machinery shall be so constructed and maintained as to comply with the rules of the Division of Accident Prevention, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. All electrical wiring, appliances, fixtures, and equipment shall be installed to comply with the requirements of the Board of Electricity.
Fire protection for the hospital shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the state fire marshal. Approval by the state fire marshal of the fire protection of a hospital shall be a prerequisite for licensure.
The heating system shall be capable of maintaining temperatures adequate for the comfort and protection of all patients at all times.
An incinerator shall be provided for the safe disposal of infected dressings, surgical and obstetrical wastes, and other similar materials.
The hospital shall make provision for the proper laundering of linen and washable goods. Where linen is sent to an outside laundry, the hospital shall take reasonable precautions to see that contaminated linen is properly handled.
All areas shall be adequately lighted.
All lighting and electrical fixtures including emergency lighting in operating rooms, delivery rooms, and spaces where explosive gases are used or stored shall comply with Part II of Standard No. 56, issued in May 1954, entitled Recommended Safe Practice for Hospital Operating Rooms, by the National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston, Massachusetts, which part of said standard is hereby adopted by the commissioner of health with the same force and effect as if the same were fully set forth in and written as part of this subpart.
Safe emergency lighting equipment shall be provided and distributed so as to be readily available to personnel on duty in the event of a power failure. There shall be at least a battery operated lamp with vaporproof switch, in readiness at all times for use in the delivery and operating rooms.
It is recommended that an independent source of power be available for emergency lighting of surgical and obstetrical suites, exits, stairways, and corridors.
All stairways and ramps shall be provided with handrails on both sides and with nonskid treads.
Space shall be provided for the storage of supplies and equipment. Corridors shall not be used as storage areas.
Adequate telephone service shall be provided in order to assure efficient service and operation of the institution and to summon help promptly in case of emergency.
Kitchens, laundries, toilet rooms, and utility rooms shall be ventilated by windows or mechanical means to control temperatures and offensive odors. If ventilation is used in operating rooms, delivery rooms, or other anesthetizing areas, the system shall conform to the requirements of part 4645.3200.
Walls, floors, and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. They shall be of a type to permit good maintenance including frequent washings, cleaning, or painting.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4640, PHYSICAL PLANT, pt. 4640.3500
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.55; 144.56