An adequate supply of water of safe, sanitary, and potable quality shall be provided in each mobile home park and recreational camping area. Water supplies must meet the requirements of chapter 4720 for public water supplies, or chapter 4725 for wells.
In mobile home parks, the water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 150 gallons per day per mobile home, and in recreational camping areas, the water supply shall be capable of supplying 50 gallons per site per day for all sites lacking individual water connections, and 100 gallons per site per day for all spaces provided with individual water connections.
In recreational camping areas, water from the drinking water supply shall be available within at least 400 feet of every campsite.
All water storage reservoirs shall be covered, watertight, and constructed of impervious material. Overflows and vents of such reservoirs shall be effectively screened. Manholes shall be constructed with covers which will prevent the entrance of foreign material. The system shall be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not less than 20 pounds per square inch under normal operating conditions at service buildings and other locations requiring a potable water supply. In mobile home parks and on recreational camping sites provided with individual water service connections, riser pipes shall be so located and constructed that they will not be damaged by the parking of mobile homes or recreational camping vehicles. Water riser pipes shall extend at least four inches above the ground elevation and the minimum pipe size shall be three-fourths inch. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves, and riser pipes. If underground stop and waste valves are installed, they shall be at least ten feet from the nearest buried portion of the sewage system. Water risers on unoccupied sites shall be valved off. There shall be a horizontal distance of at least ten feet between water and sewer riser pipes; provided, that where the sewer riser is constructed of cast iron pipe and the water riser is constructed of copper pipe, the distance between may be less than ten feet. The commissioner shall grant a variance to subparts 2 to 4 only according to the procedures and criteria specified in parts 4717.7000 to 4717.7050.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4630, MOBILE HOME PARKS AND RECREATIONAL CAMPING AREAS, pt. 4630.0600
Statutory Authority: MS s 103I.101; 103I.221; 103I.301; 103I.621; 144.05; 144.12; 144.383; 157.04; 157.08; 157.09; 157.13; 327.10 to 327.28