Part 8275.0110 - RECOGNITION OF REPOSITORIES A repository desiring to be recognized shall demonstrate compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 325K.25, by submitting all of the following:
A. the name of the licensed certification authority, or applicant for licensure as a certification authority, requesting recognition of a repository;B. the applicant's registration number assigned by the secretary to the business registration of the repository;C. the applicant's mailing address, including the country, if appropriate, and the zip or other postal code;D. the applicant's telephone and facsimile numbers, including the area code and country code, if appropriate;E. the applicant's electronic mail address which the applicant will monitor regularly for incoming mail to facilitate communication under this chapter;F. a URL for the applicant's presence on the Internet;G. a description of the database and system architecture demonstrating that it satisfies the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 325K.25, subdivision 1, clause (3);H. registration of the underlying business organization with the secretary unless the registration is prohibited by law, and in the event the registration is prohibited, the applicant shall provide the secretary the name and address of an agent for service of process; andI. the fee required by part 8275.0050.Minn. R. agency 133, ch. 8275, pt. 8275.0110
Statutory Authority: MS s 325K.01; 325K.03; 325K.04; 325K.05; 325K.06; 325K.07