Subpart 1.Form.Any voter registration application must:
A. meet the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 201.071;B. be consistent in layout with the data entry screens used by the statewide voter registration system;C. take into consideration readability and ease of understanding;D. if produced under part 8200.1100, subpart 1, provide room for including a mailing address for returning the completed registration;E. include on or with the application a set of instructions for the application;F. include on or with the application a statement that assistance for registration and voting is available for elderly and disabled persons and residents of health care facilities;G. include on the application a reference to where a privacy information statement may be found, if produced under part 8200.1100, subpart 1; andH. include on or with the application a privacy information statement, if produced under part 8200.1100, subpart 2.Subp. 1a. [Repealed, 31 SR 350]Subp. 1b.Design specifications.The secretary of state shall provide examples of the voter registration application to all county auditors.
Subp. 2.Box for office use only.Paper voter registration applications must contain a box marked for "election judge official use only" which contains "W __", "P __", and "SD." These abbreviations stand for "ward," "precinct," and "school district." Other information may also be included. Judges of election shall record the type of election day voter registration proof and its number, if any, in the "election judge official use only" box.
Subp. 3.Identifying mark.Paper voter registration applications may include a mark identifying where the applicant obtained the application or how the application was delivered to the county auditor or secretary of state.
Minn. R. agency 133, ch. 8200, VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS, pt. 8200.1200
8 SR 1348; 12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350; 32 SR 2055; 40 SR 1553Statutory Authority: MS s 14.388; 201.022; 201.061; 201.071; 201.221; 203B.09