Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2911, FOOD SERVICE, pt. 2911.3900

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Subpart 1.Generally.

Nutritional needs of adult inmates, and juvenile inmates housed in an adult facility, shall be met in accordance with inmate needs or as ordered by a medical professional, and meet the dietary allowances contained in this part which are based upon 2005 MyPyramid guidelines for a weekly 2,400 calories per day and meeting the 2002 Dietary Reference Intakes. A facility governed by this chapter shall have menu planning sufficient to provide each inmate the specified food servings per day contained in subparts 2 to 7.

Subp. 2.Meat or protein group.

Two or more servings per day of meat or protein shall be provided. A serving of meat or protein is equal to 14 grams or more of protein and includes food such as:

A. two to three ounces cooked weight or three to four ounces raw weight of any meat without bone, such as beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry, and variety meats such as liver or giblets;
B. two slices prepared luncheon meat equal to two to three ounces by weight;
C. two eggs;
D. two to three ounces cooked weight of fresh or frozen fish or shellfish, or one-half cup canned fish;
E. one-half cup cooked dry beans, peas, or lentils;
F. one ounce of nuts or seeds or two tablespoons of peanut butter;
G. three ounces of natural or processed cheese or three-fourths cup of cottage cheese, not to exceed six ounces per week as a meat alternate; or
H. two ounces of equivalent meat alternate, such as textured vegetable protein, as certified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, Code of Federal Regulations, title 7, parts 210 and 220.
Subp. 3.Dairy group.

A minimum of two servings per day of dairy shall be provided for adults, with four servings required for juveniles and pregnant females. This includes milk that is pasteurized and fortified with vitamins A and D (fluid, evaporated, dry), cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. One serving per day may be from foods other than fluid milk. A serving is equivalent to eight ounces of fluid milk and provides at least 250 mg calcium, such as:

A. 1-1/4 ounce American cheese;
B. eight ounces yogurt;
C. two cups ice cream; or
D. eight ounces milk alternate beverage, fortified with a minimum of 250 mg calcium and vitamins A and D.
Subp. 4.Vegetable and fruit group.

Five or more servings per day of vegetables and fruits shall be provided. A serving is one-half cup vegetable or fruit; one medium apple, orange, banana, potato, half a grapefruit, one cup raw leafy greens, one-fourth cup dried fruit, or four ounces 100 percent juice. Potatoes may be included once daily as a vegetable. One serving of a rich vitamin C source must be provided daily and one serving of a rich vitamin A source must be provided four times per week.

Rich vitamin C sources include mostly fresh or raw produce, such as: citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, leafy green vegetables, melon, bell peppers, and the broccoli and cabbage families; and may also include foods such as skin-on potatoes, sweet potatoes, and vitamin C-fortified real fruit juice.

Rich vitamin A sources include foods such as: apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, mixed vegetables with carrots, winter or yellow squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes or yams, spinach, greens (collard, kale, chard, mustard, beet or turnip), liver (counted under meat), and broccoli.

Subp. 5. [Repealed, 38 SR 523]
Subp. 6.Bread or cereal.

Six or more servings per day of whole grain or enriched cereal and bread products shall be provided. Whole grains are encouraged on a daily basis with the following sources suggested: oatmeal, grits, whole grain ready-to-eat cereal, whole wheat bread, corn tortillas, corn bread, plain popcorn, brown rice, and barley soup and rye crackers. A serving is defined as:

A. one slice of bread or one ounce of bread product, such as sliced bread, buns, biscuits, muffins, pancakes, waffles, sweet rolls, stuffing, crackers, or bagels;
B. one-half cup cooked cereal, pasta, rice, or egg noodles;
C. three-fourths cup dry cereal;
D. one six-inch tortilla; or
E. three cups popped popcorn.
Subp. 7.Fat group.

Servings of butter, fortified margarine, gravy, salad dressing, or salad oil may be used in minimal amounts to make food palatable. Facilities are encouraged to reduce sources of saturated and trans fats.

Subp. 8.Additional servings.

Additional servings of the foods in subparts 2 to 4 may be used to meet caloric requirements, in addition to soups, beverages, desserts, and condiments. Added sugars should be limited to reasonable amounts recommended for a healthy diet.

Subp. 9. [Repealed, 38 SR 523]

Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2911, FOOD SERVICE, pt. 2911.3900

23 SR 1834; 38 SR 523

Statutory Authority: MS s 241.021