Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2905, pt. 2905.1000
Each community corrections system shall utilize agencies and organizations established in the community to deliver medical and mental health care, education, counseling and rehabilitative services, employment services, and other similar social services. The local community corrections system, in planning its total range of correctional programs and projects, shall establish a presumption in favor of resources already existing in the community.
If the community corrections system intends to initiate services or programs which duplicate those already existing in the community, clear evidence must be presented in the comprehensive plan to demonstrate that existing services are either inappropriate or unavailable to meet identified correctional needs.
Each community corrections system shall take steps to ensure that all clients of programs or projects under its jurisdiction have access to the same services, activities, and opportunities available to citizens generally, provided that this access is consistent with the demonstrated needs of the program or project and the necessity to protect the public safety.
Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2905, pt. 2905.1000
Statutory Authority: MS s 401.03