Breeding swine and feeding swine that are moved from a premises to another location in the state must be officially identified except for:
An agent transporting sows, boars, and stags from a livestock producer to a livestock dealer, livestock market, stockyards, commission company, concentration point, or slaughter establishment must supply the receiving agent or agency with the name and address of the producer. Sows, boars, and stags received by a livestock dealer, livestock market, stockyard, commission company, buying station, swine concentration point, or slaughtering establishment must be identified with an official back tag, tattoo, or other identification device authorized by the board so they can be traced back to the herd of origin. Records of the identification numbers and date of application in correlation to the name and address of the producer must be maintained and submitted to the board upon request.
Minn. R. agency 110, ch. 1721, PIGS, pt. 1721.0200
Statutory Authority: MS s 35.03