To sell or purchase hemp propagules, a licensee must maintain the following documents on record for three years:
Upon suspension, revocation, expiration, or nonrenewal of a licensee's license under this chapter, the licensee must destroy any live cannabis plants without reimbursement.
When volunteer hemp plants are present, a licensee must either (1) destroy the volunteer hemp plants, or (2) register the location where the plants are present as a new grow location and pay any fees required by this chapter. The licensee must also update the location information with the Farm Service Agency.
A hemp seed labeler selling seed in Minnesota must possess a current Minnesota seed permit and comply with Minnesota Statutes, sections 21.80 to 21.92, Minnesota Rules, parts 1510.0011 to 1510.0360, the Federal Seed Act under United States Code, title 7, sections 1551 to 1611, and Federal Seed Act Regulations under Code of Federal Regulations, title 7, part 201.
A person must not sell hemp propagules for commercial purposes to any person in the state that is not licensed by the commissioner under this chapter. Upon request from the commissioner, a person selling hemp propagules for commercial purposes must provide records showing to whom hemp propagules were distributed.
A licensee must not acquire or grow hemp propagules of wild, landrace, or unknown origin without first obtaining written approval from the commissioner. Hemp clone lots must have the total THC concentration tested for each generation before sale of any plants from that lot.
Minn. R. agency 105, ch. 1565, pt. 1565.1000