Each kosher wiener, sausage, and frankfurter sold in bulk containers shall be labeled with the word "kosher" and the name of the rabbinical council supervising the preparation. Such information shall be given in Hebrew letters or symbols on each wiener, sausage, and frankfurter by one of the following methods: use of branding ink applied directly to the product; use of casings with the required information printed thereon; use of individual, single-use, paper bands with the required information printed thereon. Bulk container for such wieners, sausages, and frankfurters shall bear labels giving all the mandatory information required for packaged foods in addition to the word "kosher" and the name of the rabbinical council supervising the preparation.
Minn. R. agency 105, ch. 1550, pt. 1550.0770
Statutory Authority: MS s 31.101