A container must be equipped with a liquid level gauging device designed for use with ammonia.
A gauging device must be arranged so that the maximum liquid level to which the container is filled is readily determined and be installed according to part 1513.0140, subpart 3.
Except as provided in parts 1513.1000 to 1513.1070, gauging devices that require bleeding of the product to the atmosphere such as rotary tube, fixed tube, and slip tube devices, must be designed so that the maximum opening of the bleed valve is not larger than No. 54 (0.055 inch) drill size unless provided with an excess flow valve.
Gauging devices must have a design pressure equal to or greater than the design pressure of the container on which they are installed.
Fixed maximum liquid level gauges must be designed and installed to indicate a volumetric level not to exceed 85 percent of the container's water capacity. This does not apply to refrigerated storage.
Gauge glasses of the columnar type are restricted to stationary nonrefrigerated storage installations. They must be equipped with shut-off valves having metallic hand wheels, with excess flow valves, and with extra heavy glass adequately protected with a metal housing applied by the gauge manufacturer. They must be shielded against the direct rays of the sun.
Minn. R. agency 105, ch. 1513, BASIC RULES, pt. 1513.0210
Statutory Authority: MS s 18C.121