Minn. R. agency 105, ch. 1512, SOIL TESTING LABORATORY CERTIFICATION, pt. 1512.0050
Soil analysis methods and procedures must be those applicable to Minnesota soils and conditions that are set forth in the most recent edition of the Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region, North Central Regional Publication 221. This publication is incorporated by reference, is not subject to frequent change, and is available from the Minnesota State Law Library, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Division of Agronomy Services, or the Soil Testing Laboratory, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Alterations in procedures which maintain the integrity of the analytical method are allowable if the check sample analytical data is within the one standard deviation from the mean range as denoted in part 1512.0065, subpart 6, and as specified in the North Central Regional Publication 221.
Minn. R. agency 105, ch. 1512, SOIL TESTING LABORATORY CERTIFICATION, pt. 1512.0050
Statutory Authority: MS s 18C.141