Section R. 432.1806 - Submission and approval of rules of gameRule 806.
(1) A casino licensee or license applicant shall submit its rules of the game to the board in accordance with this rule.(2) All rules of the game shall be in compliance with the provisions of the act and these rules.(3) A casino licensee or license applicant shall submit its rules of the game in the following manner: (a) When called for in these rules, a casino licensee or casino license applicant shall submit rules of the game to the board not less than 30 days before the commencement of gambling operations or the play of the game, or both.(b) The board shall, in writing, approve or disapprove the rules of the game in total or in part.(c) Any portion of the rules of the game not approved by the executive director may be revised and resubmitted by the casino licensee or the casino license applicant within the time period established by the board. This method shall be followed until all portions of the rules of the game have been approved or approval cannot be obtained.(d) Rules of the game may not be utilized by a casino licensee or casino license applicant unless the rules of the game have been submitted and approved, in writing, by the board. The board shall approve the proposed rules of the game if the rules satisfy all of the following criteria:(i) The rules fulfill the purposes stated in the act and these rules.(ii) The rules ensure that the game will be played with integrity.(iii) The rules of the game are written in language that is plain to the player.(iv) The rules will be prominently posted at or on the game.(v) Other requirements necessary to protect the public and ensure public confidence in gaming.(4) If the board determines, at any time, that approved rules of the game are not adequate to ensure compliance with the act and these rules or the integrity of the game, then the board may direct the casino licensee, in writing, to amend its rules of the game.Mich. Admin. Code R. 432.1806