Mich. Admin. Code R. 168.776

Current through Vol. 24-17, October 1, 2024
Section R. 168.776 - Preparation of official test deck

Rule 6.

(1) The election commission providing the program or its authorized assistant shall prepare a test deck with predetermined results.
(2) The test deck shall consist of ballot cards of the same type to be used in the election with the word "TEST" stamped, printed, or written on each card.
(3) A document, record, chart, or listing shall be prepared indicating the punches recorded in the test ballot card. This documentation shall indicate each valid or invalid vote.
(4) In addition to other requirements of the act, a ballot card for use in the test deck for a partisan general election shall be prepared:
(a) So that each political party receives not less than 2 straight ticket votes and so that any 2 parties do not receive the same number of straight ticket votes.
(b) So that 2 or more parties receive straight ticket votes on 1 ballot.
(c) So that at least 1 of the ballots with a straight ticket vote for a party shall be individual punches for candidates of the same party, candidates of a different party, candidates for the same office of different parties, and nonpartisan candidates and proposals.
(d) In which punches appear in positions other than those used for candidates, proposals, or to indicate straight party voting.
(e) In which a punch does not appear.
(f) In which a punch appears in each position where a candidate or proposal appears on the ballot label.
(5) In addition to other requirements of the act, a ballot card for use in the test deck for a partisan primary shall be prepared:
(a) So that punches appear on the same ballot card for candidates of different political parties, along with candidates for nonpartisan offices and votes for proposals.
(b) So that punches appear on the same ballot card for candidates of 1 or more political party and a punch made in the "party qualification section" of the ballot, and shall include punches for nonpartisan offices and for proposals.
(c) So that more than 1 punch appears in the "party qualification section" of the ballot.
(6) When 2 or more valid punch positions exist in the combination of numbers listed below, each of the valid punch positions shall be punched into 1 or more ballot cards:

228 Position Ballot Card

1-77-153 20-96-172 39-115-191 58-134-210
2-78-154 21-97-173 40-116-192 59-135-211
3-79-155 22-98-174 41-117-193 60-136-212
4-80-156 23-99-175 42-118-194 61-137-213
5-81-157 24-100-176 43-119-195 62-138-214
6-82-158 25-101-177 44-120-196 63-139-215
7-83-159 26-102-178 45-121-197 64-140-216
8-84-160 27-103-179 46-122-198 65-141-217
9-85-161 28-104-180 47-123-199 66-142-218
10-86-162 29-105-181 48-124-200 67-143-219
11-87-163 30-106-182 49-125-201 68-144-220
12-88-164 31-107-183 50-126-202 69-145-221
13-89-165 32-108-184 51-127-203 70-146-222
14-90-166 33-109-185 52-128-204 71-147-223
15-91-167 34-110-186 53-129-205 72-148-224
16-92-168 35-111-187 54-130-206 73-149-225
17-93-169 36-112-188 55-131-207 74-150-226
18-94-170 37-113-189 56-132-208 75-151-227
19-95-171 38-114-190 57-133-209 76-152-228

235 Position Ballot Card

21-78 40-117 1-97-136-156-176-196-216 22-79
41-118 2-98-137-157-177-197-217 23-80 42-119
3-99-138-158-178-198-218 24-81 43-120
4-100-139-159-179-199-219 25-82 44-121
5-101-140-160-180-200-220 26-83 45-122
6-102-141-161-181-201-221 27-84 46-123
7-103-142-162-182-202-222 28-85 47-124
8-104-143-163-183-203-223 29-86 48-125
9-105-144-164-184-204-224 30-87 49-126
10-106-145-165-185-205-225 31-88 50-127
11-107-146-166-186-206-226 32-89 51-128
12-108-147-167-187-207-227 33-90 52-129
13-109-148-168-188-208-228 34-91 53-130
14-110-149-169-189-209-229 35-92 54-131
15-111-150-170-190-210-230 36-93 55-132
16-112-151-171-191-211-231 37-94 56-133
17-113-152-172-192-212-232 38-95 57-134
18-114-153-173-193-213-233 39-96 58-135

(7) A duplicate of the test deck shall be prepared. The duplicate of the test deck may consist of standard data processing cards.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 168.776

1979 AC