- Section R. 28.1201 - Rule 201
- Section R. 28.1202 - Rule 202. Obedience to police and fire department officials; violation as misdemeanor
- Section R. 28.1202a - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1203 - Rule 203. Persons propelling push carts or riding animals subject to traffic regulations; violation as misdemeanor
- Section R. 28.1204 - Rule 204. Use of coasters, roller skates, and similar devices restricted; violation as civil infraction
- Section R. 28.1205 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1206 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1207 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1208 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1209 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1210 - Rescinded
- Section R. 28.1211 - Rule 211. Code provisions; exclusive applicability to operation of vehicles on streets, except where otherwise referred to
- Section R. 28.1212 - Rule 212. Enforcing violation on private road