Mich. Admin. Code R. 460.19232

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 460.19232 - Tariff identification designation

Rule 1232.

(1) Every tariff filed with the department shall bear a tariff identification designation. Motor carrier or carriers of household goods or their agent shall use a consecutive numbering system, acceptable to the department, to establish such designations.
(2) All of the following provisions apply to tariff references to previous filings:
(a) Any tariff referring to another tariff shall identify the other tariff by its tariff identification designation.
(b) Any tariff that refers to another as a governing publication or otherwise, shall clearly spell out the name of the motor carrier or carriers or agent whose tariff it is.
(c) Rejected tariffs shall not be referred to in any subsequent tariff as having been cancelled, amended, or withdrawn. The tariff that is published to replace the rejected tariff shall bear the following notation: "Issued in lieu of (here identify the rejected tariff), rejected by the Michigan Department of State Police."
(3) All of the following provisions apply to changes of motor carrier or carriers of household goods or agent control or name:
(a) A court-appointed receiver, trustee, executor, administrator, or assignee who assumes possession and operational control of a carrier, whether in whole or in part, shall continue utilization of the carrier's tariff identification designation.
(b) Where the name of a carrier is lawfully changed or the operating control of a carrier's properties is lawfully transferred in whole or in part, to another party as approved by the department, the tariff identification designation utilized by the new carrier may be approved as an original filing.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 460.19232

1984 AACS; 2018 MR 24, Eff. 12/20/2018