Rule 1. The following described area in the Porcupine mountains wilderness state park is rededicated as a wilderness area under the designation of the Porcupine mountains wilderness area: Sections 5& 16, entire; T 50N, R43W. Sections 1 to 10, entire; sections 11& 12, entire except those lands lying 200 feet on either side of the centerline of Summit Peak road; sections 14 to 18, entire; that part of sections 19 to 22, lying N'ly of a line 200 feet N of the South Boundary road; including existing shelters and cabins as nonconforming uses, T50N, R44W. Section 7, entire; section 18, entire except those lands lying 200 feet either side of highway M-107; and sections 19, 30& 31, entire; T51N, R42W. Entire fractional township except those lands lying 200 feet either side of highway M-107; including existing shelters and cabins as nonconforming uses; T51N, R43W. Entire fractional township; including existing shelters and cabins as nonconforming uses; T51N, R44W, Carp Lake township, Ontonagon county. Total area in Ontonagon county: 35,102.62 acres. Total wilderness area, Gogebic and Ontonagon counties combined, 40,808 acres, more or less. See R 322.27.2 for that portion of the Porcupine mountains wilderness area which lies in Gogebic county.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 322.66.1