Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1453

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.1453 - Requirements for designation; trail; water trail

Rule 3.

( 1) The department shall consider a trail or water trail for a Pure Michigan designation if the trail or water trail meets the requirements established in section 72103 of the Act, and the following requirements:
(a) The trail or water trail is open for use by the public and publicly available access sites, staging areas, trailheads, and rest areas are appropriately spaced for the type of trail.
(b) The trail or water trail is identified on a website with a map that can be printed and is appropriately signed to make the user aware of all of the following:
(i) The location and length of the trail or water trail.
(ii) Hazards and level of difficulty of the trail or water trail.
(iii) Amenities related to the trail or water trail, including easily accessible access sites, staging areas, trailheads, rest areas, lodging, eating facilities, and other recreational opportunities.
(c) The trail or water trail is appropriately signed, including pictures as appropriate, to do all of the following:
(i) Make users aware of their location on the trail or water trail.
(ii) Make users aware of easily accessible access sites, staging areas, trailheads, rest areas, trail amenities, lodging facilities, and eating facilities as well as hazards, towns, and emergency contacts.
(iii) Encourage safety and respect for the environment.
(d) Unless the trail or water trail is primarily a looped trail or water trail or otherwise intended for the user to return to his or her vehicle in 1 day or less, lodging facilities appropriate to the type of trail or water trail users are available for at least the following:
(i) Every 12 miles for trails primarily used by walkers.
(ii) Every 12 miles for trails located upon water.
(iii) Every 15 miles for trails primarily used by cross country skiers.
(iv) Every 40 miles for trails primarily used by bikers.
(v) Every 40 miles for trails primarily used by equestrians.
(vi) Every 100 miles for trails primarily used by snowmobile or ORV riders.
(e) The trail or water trail is designed so that increased use of the trail or water trail will not degrade the local experience, cultural resources, or the environment. Applicants shall identify the designs applied to ensure sustainability of the trail or water trail.
(f) At a minimum, for a water trail, the water body shall meet water quality use designations for Partial Body Contact standards, as established by Michigan department of environmental quality, in addition to the requirements established by section 72103(3)(c) of the Act.
(g) The trail or water trail has a formally adopted plan that does the following:
(i) Identifies the existing and planned amenities associated with the trail or water trail and how those amenities will be maintained and enhanced.
(ii) Establishes a schedule for the maintenance of the trail or water trail that identifies funding sources and the party or parties responsible for maintaining the trail or water trail and discouraging vandalism.
(iii) Includes programming and educational activity associated with the trail or water trail that allow or increase enjoyment of the trail or water trail, understanding of the natural, cultural, and historic resources related to the trail or water trail, boating skills, outdoor ethics and, for a water trail, efforts to improve the quality of the waterway and its water.
(iv) Identifies a mechanism to evaluate the economic impact of the trail or water trail at least every 5 years that includes an understanding of users and where they live, impact on area businesses, and money spent in conjunction with trail or water trail use.
(v) Includes a marketing plan for the trail or water trail.
(h) The trail or water trail has a resolution of support of the designation of the trail or water trail as a Pure Michigan Trail or Water Trail by the local unit of government, authority, or non-profit that is primarily responsible for the trail or water trail.
(i) The trail or water trail is supported, managed, and maintained by 1 or more organizations. If the trail or water trail is supported, managed, and maintained by more than 1 organization, the organizations shall enter into a written agreement with each other. The organizations shall be broadly representative of the community, including recreation, education, conservation, heritage, business, public safety, health, and government organizations and shall obtain permission from all persons or entities that have an ownership interest over any portion of the trail or water trail.
(j) The trail or water trail is part of the statewide trail network.
( 2) The department may consult with the Michigan economic development corporation when considering a trail or water trail nomination for a Pure Michigan designation.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.1453

2018 MR 9, Eff. 5/4/2018
An obvious error in R 324.1453 was corrected at the request of the promulgating agency, pursuant to Section 56 of 1969 PA 306, as amended by 2000 PA 262, MCL 24.256. The rule containing the error was published in Michigan Register, 2018 MR 9. The memorandum requesting the correction was published in Michigan Register, 2018 MR 9