Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.159

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.159 - Substandard lots of record

Rule 9.

(1) The zoning administrator, in compliance with the terms of this subrule, shall grant a permit if, because of either of the following circumstances, a proposed structure cannot be erected on a lot of record or a lot described in a deed or land contract executed and delivered before the effective date of this rule:
(a) The lot is of insufficient width, depth, or area.
(b) Physical limitations exist on an existing lot or parcel.
(2) The zoning administrator shall ensure that all structures are located to best meet the objectives and purposes of these rules, the adopted Huron river natural river plan, and Act No. 231 of the Public Acts of 1970, being S281.761 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(3) The zoning administrator shall determine if a proposed structure on a lot of record or on a lot described in a deed or land contract executed and delivered before the effective date of these rules cannot conform to the standards listed in R 281.156(2)(a) and is, therefore, ineligible for consideration for use under R 281.156.
(4) A written application for a zoning permit on a lot of record shall be filed with the zoning administrator. The same information required in R 281.154(2) shall be submitted with an application.
(5) The zoning administrator shall grant a zoning permit for the use of a substandard lot of record only upon a showing of all of the following:
(a) Granting the permit is not contrary to the public interest.
(b) The permit does not allow the establishment of a use not otherwise permitted by these rules.
(c) The permit applies only to the property under the control of the applicant.
(d) The practical difficulties claimed by the applicant are not the result of actions taken by the applicant.
(e) Granting the permit poses no substantial hazard to life or to public or private property rights, secures public safety, and does substantial justice.
(f) Granting the permit will not result in an increase of flood levels or risk of flood damage to other lands.
(g) The lot shall be developed pursuant to department of natural resources requirements under Act No. 245 of the Public Acts of 1929, as amended, being S323.1 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(h) Use of the lot will not significantly impair existing water quality, vegetative cover, fisheries, or wildlife habitat or increase the risk of erosion.
(i) The substandard lot size shall be the minimum dimensional reduction necessary to achieve a reasonable use of the land, after evaluation of alternative dimensional arrangements and permitted land uses available to the applicant, given the peculiar characteristics of the lot and circumstances surrounding the request. Alternatives shall be examined in light of the applicant's entire contiguous holdings and not merely a single lot or the portion within the natural river area. If dimensional requirements may be more nearly met through lot combination of contiguous holdings, the zoning administrator may so require.
(j) The permit provides that no fill shall be placed within the natural vegetation strip and that the approval of both the appropriate county or district health department and the soil erosion and sedimentation control enforcement agency shall be secured.
(k) The permit provides conditions necessary to insure proper development of the substandard lot pursuant to these rules.
(6) A special exception permit is required if a dimensional reduction of more than 50% of any of the standards listed in R 281.156(2)(a) is necessary to achieve reasonable use of the land. The zoning review board shall base its decision upon the standards set forth in R 281.158(5).
(7) The zoning administrator may confer with, and seek the advice of, the zoning review board, personnel of the Michigan department of natural resources, and other federal, state and local officials to determine the possible effects of, and a suitable location for, a proposed structure.
(8) One copy of the plans, specifications, and the zoning permit, with conditions attached, shall be filed and retained by the zoning administrator, and another copy of each shall be delivered to the applicant when the zoning administrator has approved the application, completed the site inspection, and issued a zoning permit.
(9) The applicant may appeal any decision of the zoning administrator or any conditions attached to a zoning permit to the zoning review board.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.159

1981 AACS