Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.156

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.156 - Permitted uses

Rule 6.

(1) The following uses are permitted by the owner upon the owner's property within the natural river district, subject to the limitations and requirements outlined in these zoning rules, local ordinances, and other applicable statutes:
(a) Private camping and other recreational activities which do not require the installation of permanent structures and which are outside of the natural vegetation strip.
(b) The operation of watercraft, subject to the limitations of local ordinances established under the authority of Act No. 303 of the Public Acts of 1967, as amended, being S281.1001 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(c) Fishing and hunting in compliance with existing laws and rules.
(d) Reforestation and other accepted forest management practices, subject to the limitations outlined in R 281.157.
(e) Normal agricultural activities, if the activities meet the requirements of these rules, and if the bureau of environmental protection of the department of natural resources determines that such activities do not contribute to stream degradation.
(f) The operation of licensed motor vehicles on dedicated public roads or access roads to private single-family dwellings.
(g) Off-road operation of emergency and public utility maintenance vehicles.
(h) Private footpaths that are constructed by the landowner of natural materials to facilitate permitted uses.
(2) The following uses are permitted upon prior approval of the zoning administrator:
(a) One single-family dwelling and appurtenances on a lot not less than 150 front-feet wide, subject to the following limitations:
(i) On the designated portion of the mainstream, new buildings and appurtenances shall be required to set back a minimum of 125 feet from the ordinary high-water mark, except that the setback may be decreased 10 feet for every 10-foot rise in bank height to a minimum of 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark.
(ii) On the sections of Arms, Davis, and Mill creeks within the natural river zoning district, new buildings and appurtenances shall be required to set back a minimum of 50 feet from the ordinary high-water mark.
(iii) New structures shall be set back not less than 50 feet from the top of the bluff on the cutting edges of the river and tributaries, or 25 feet from the top of the bluff on the noncutting edge of the stream.
(iv) Setback shall be not less than 15 feet from side lot lines and not less than 25 feet from the right-of-way of a public road.
(v) New structures shall not be located on land that is subject to flooding.
(b) Plats, if the minimum setbacks and lot width requirements specified in subdivision (a) of this subrule are met.
(c) Private boat docks that are not more than 6 feet in width or 20 feet in length, with not more than 4 feet of the dock extending over the water, if they are designed, constructed, and maintained with indigenous natural materials, and if a permit is issued under the authority of Act No. 346 of the Public Acts of 1972, being S281.951 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(d) Mining and extracting industries which are located more than 300 feet from the ordinary high-water mark, if they are constructed and operated pursuant to applicable local ordinances and state laws and rules.
(e) Utility lines to service private single-family dwellings.
(f) Utility transmission lines on lands or interests in real property which are continuously owned by a utility from January 1, 1971, subject to review and approval by the commission.
(g) Disposal fields and septic tanks which are located not less than 125 feet from the ordinary high-water mark or on lands that are not subject to flooding, whichever distance is greater, and which are in conformance with local county health codes and these rules. In addition, a septic tank or absorption field shall not be closer than 50 feet to any surface or subsurface drainage system emptying into the Huron river or its designated tributaries.
(h) Land alteration, such as grading, dredging, and filling of the land surface, unless the high-groundwater table is within 6 feet of the land surface, if the activities meet all of the provisions of Act No. 347 of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended, being S282.101 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and Act No. 346 of the Public Acts of 1972, being S281.951 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and if approval is granted by the local soil erosion and sedimentation control enforcement agency and the department of natural resources.
(i) Signs and outdoor advertising devices shall meet all of the following requirements:
(i) They shall be related to permitted uses.
(ii) For residential uses, signs shall not be larger than 1 square foot in area and shall not be posted more than 1 per 100 feet or 1 sign at the upstream and downstream corner of the 1 lot; however, 1 temporary real estate "for sale" sign which does not exceed 4 square feet in area shall be allowed on a parcel of land.
(iii) For commercial uses, 1 sign per establishment which does not exceed 4 square feet is allowed.
(iv) They shall not be illuminated by a neon light or flashing device.
(v) They shall not be attached to a tree or shrub.
(j) Other uses for which an applicant is granted a permit by the zoning administrator pursuant to R 281.158, R 281.159, and R 281.161.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.156

1981 AACS