Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.1078 - Replacement of gill nets with trap and pound netsRule 8.
(1) Persons whose gill net fishing operations are prohibited or restricted by these rules and who intend to continue to fish commercially in the waters of this state may replace their gill nets with trap or pound nets. Any person who intends to replace his gill nets with trap or pound nets may continue to use his gill nets where otherwise prohibited by these rules only during 1974 by filing an appropriate application for replacement within the prescribed time designated by the director. Persons licensed to use gill nets in combination with trap or pound nets when these rules become effective may continue to use gill nets only during 1974 where otherwise prohibited by these rules. A person authorized to use gill nets only during 1974 where otherwise prohibited by these rules shall use gill nets only under the provisions of a permit or license issued by the director, the provisions of which shall be substantially the same as those contained in the person's 1974 commercial fishing license. This subrule does not apply to those persons presently licensed to use trap or pound nets only or gear other than gill nets.(2) To be eligible to replace gill nets with trap or pound nets, a person shall: (a) Have held a commercial fishing license in 1971, 1972, and 1973 to use gill nets in the waters of this state.(b) File an application in accordance with instructions on a form provided by the director within 15 days after the effective date of these rules.(3) Failure of a person to comply with subsection (b) of subrule (2) is evidence that the person no longer wishes to fish commercially and the director shall notify the person to cease and desist using gill nets where prohibited by these rules. The person may voluntarily terminate his license at that time or action will be taken to revoke the license if the person continues to use gill nets where prohibited by these rules.(4) A person whose application has been properly filed shall be notified and shall request to have his commercial fishing license amended to authorize replacement of gill nets with trap or pound nets.(5) A person whose license has been amended pursuant to subrule (4) shall provide progress reports on his gill net replacement to the director. Progress reports required by this subrule shall be submitted as follows: (a) Within 30 days of the effective date of the license amendment, a person shall submit to the director or his representative evidence in the form of purchase orders for gear and materials or other satisfactory information that clearly demonstrates that he has commenced replacing his gill nets with trap or pound nets.(b) Within 90 days of the effective date of the license amendment, a person shall submit to the director or his representative a progress report that clearly demonstrates his continued progress in replacing his gill nets with trap or pound nets.(c) By December 31, 1974, all persons who have been authorized to replace gill nets with trap or pound nets shall submit to the director satisfactory evidence of having totally completed the replacement.(6) A person failing to meet the requirements of subrule (5) shall show cause to the director why the requirements have not been met; and unless authorized by the director, the person shall not be subsequently licensed to fish commercially in the waters of this state.(7) A person electing to replace his gill nets pursuant to this rule shall be licensed to use no more than 10 trap nets or 10 pound nets, or any combination thereof, so long as the total number of nets does not exceed 10 nets.(8) If the director finds it necessary to protect the fisheries resources of this state and rules are promulgated as required by law, the use of gill nets as provided by these rules shall be prohibited or restricted.Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.1078