Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.1075

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.1075 - Closed seasons; disposition of fish taken during closed seasons; minimum perch size limit; violation

Rule 5.

(1) Sturgeon, pike-perch (yellow pickerel), blue pike, sauger, northern pike, splake, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and Atlantic salmon, when caught live in trap nets, pound nets, and gill nets, shall be returned to the waters immediately. Dead fish of the species named in this subrule, when caught in trap nets, pound nets, and gill nets, shall be dressed, iced, and disposed of in accordance with written disposal instructions issued by a conservation officer and a locked metal seal shall be affixed to each fish before arrival at dock or landing point.
(2) Lake trout and lake herring, when caught in gill nets authorized in Lake Superior, may be sold if a metal seal is affixed to each lake trout pursuant to subrule (1). Lake trout and lake herring, when caught live in trap nets, pound nets, and gill nets in Lakes Michigan and Huron, shall be returned to the water immediately, and a metal seal shall be affixed to dead lake trout and the trout disposed of pursuant to subrule (1).
(3) Chubs and lake herring may be taken only in Lake Superior.
(4) Perch, a minimum of 8 inches total length or 5 inches with heads and tails off, crappie, and rock bass may be taken only in those waters of Lake Huron described in R 299.1074(1)(f) and R 299.1074(1)(g) or as provided in a license issued by the director or in a research permit issued by the director's representative.
(5) The size limit on perch shall remain in effect for a period of 3 years after the date these rules become effective.
(6) A licensee may be permitted to retain as part of his catch up to 5% of the total landed weight of perch which are less than the minimum size limit specified in this rule.
(7) If a licensee is found with between 5% and 15% undersized perch, by weight, in his possession, the first violation shall result in a warning and subsequent violations may result in a proceeding to suspend or revoke his license.
(8) If a licensee is found with 15% or more undersized perch, by weight, in his possession, this may result in a proceeding to suspend or revoke his license.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.1075

1979 AC