Rule 2. Except as provided in a license issued by the director or in a research permit issued by a representative of the director, it is unlawful to use gill nets, trap nets, pound nets, seines, and set hooks in the following described waters:
(a) Waters of depths less than 60 fathoms between the mouth of the Montreal river in seciton 10, T48N, R49W, Gogebic county, and the mouth of the Elm river in section 30, T54N, R36W, Houghton county.(b) Waters south of a line from Traverse point in section 22, T55N, R3 1W, Houghton county, to Big Bay point in section 1, T51N, R 27W, Marquette county.(c) Waters within 4 1/2 miles of the shoreline of Isle Royale and surrounding islands.(d) Waters of depths less than 60 fathoms between Au Sable point in section 2, T50N, R15W, Alger county, and Crisp point in section 1, T50N, R8W, Luce county, extending to the international boundary.LAKE MICHIGAN
(e) Waters south and east of a line from Grand Traverse light station in section 6, T32N, R10W, Leelanau county, to village of Good Hart in section 25, T37N, R6W, Emmet county.LAKE HURON
(f) Waters southwest of a line from Hammond Bay harbor light in section 25, T37N, R2E, to Forty Mile point light station in section 23, T3 6N, R4E, Presque Isle county.(g) Waters west of a line from North point in section 6, T30N, R10E, to South point in section 26, T29N, R9E, Alpena county.(h) Waters west of a line from Tawas point in section 34, T22N, R8E, Iosco county, to point Lookout in section 13, T19N, R7E, Arenac county.Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.1072