Mich. Admin. Code R. 792.10415

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 792.10415 - General provisions

Rule 415.

(1) A contested case proceeding must be held when required by statute and may be held when the commission so directs.
(2) After a proceeding has been assigned to a presiding officer, the presiding officer may rule on all matters of evidence, scheduling, and motions. The presiding officer shall seek to secure a timely disposition of the proceeding, recognizing any applicable legislative directives.
(3) The presiding officer may conduct all or part of a hearing by telephone, video-conference, or other electronic means. All substantive and procedural rights apply to hearings under this subrule.
(4) An oral hearing before the commission must be made a matter of record. The record of the hearing in a contested case must be transcribed. In all other cases, the record of the hearing need not be transcribed unless a request for a transcript is made by the commission, a party, or the presiding officer. A transcript must be indexed to show the location of the testimony of each witness and the introduction and receipt into evidence or rejection of all prepared testimony and exhibits. If offered by a party, prefiled testimony may be bound into the record.
(5) Any party may request material and relevant corrections of the transcript within a reasonable time after the filing of each volume of the transcript. If the presiding officer does not provide otherwise, any party may file with the commission, within 7 days after each volume of the transcript is filed with the commission, a request for correction of the transcript. Within 7 days after the filing of any request, other parties may file responses in support of, or in opposition to, all or part of the proposed corrections. Thereafter, the presiding officer shall, either upon the record or by order served on all parties, specify the corrections to be made to the transcript. Further, the commission or the presiding officer may specify corrections to be made to the transcript by providing 7 days' notice to all parties and providing a time for responses.
(6) The commission or the presiding officer, or the administrative law manager assigned by the hearing system in any proceeding in which a presiding officer has not been assigned, may order proceedings consolidated for hearing on any or all matters at issue in the proceedings or may order the severance of proceedings or issues in a proceeding if consolidation or severance will promote the just, economical, and expeditious determination of the issues presented.
(7) Tape recorders and other mechanical or electronic devices are permitted at an oral hearing if they are unobtrusive and do not cause a witness to be intimidated or interfere with the orderly conduct of the proceeding.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 792.10415

2015 AACS.; 2023 MR 19, Eff. 9/29/2023