Rule 52.
(a) | Completion of an approved continuing education program or activity related to the practice of occupational therapy. A continuing education program or activity is approved if it is approved or offered for continuing education credit by any of the following: AOTA. International Association for Continuing Education and Training authorized providers. Michigan Occupational Therapy Association. NBCOT. Another state or provincial board of occupational therapy. An occupational therapy education program approved by the board in R 338.1222. Employer-provided work-place training. Third-party presentation that contributes to professional growth, development, and competency of occupational therapy practitioners. If audited, an applicant shall submit a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the applicant's name, number of credits earned, sponsor name or the name of the organization that approved the program or activity for continuing education credit, and the date the program was held or activity completed. | The number of hours approved by the sponsor or the approving organization may be earned in each renewal period. If the activity was not approved for a set number of hours, then 1 hour of continuing education for each 60 minutes of participation may be earned. Credit in this category may be earned without limitation. |
(b) | Completion of academic courses related to the practice of occupational therapy offered in an occupational therapy education program approved by the board pursuant to R 338.1222. If audited, an applicant shall submit an official transcript that reflects completion of the academic course and number of semester or quarter credit hours earned. | Five hours of continuing education may be earned for each semester credit hour earned. Three hours of continuing education may be earned for each quarter credit hour earned. Credit in this category may be earned without limitation. |
(c) | Initial publication of a chapter or an article related to the practice of occupational therapy in any of the following: A peer-reviewed textbook. A professional healthcare textbook. A peer-reviewed journal or periodical. A practice area related article in a lay publication (community newspaper or newsletter). A non-peer-reviewed professional publication (such as OT Practice, SIS Quarterly and Advance). If audited, an applicant shall submit a copy of the publication that identifies the applicant as the author of the publication or a publication acceptance letter. | A maximum of 10 hours of continuing education may be earned in each renewal period. Ten hours of continuing education may be earned for publishing a peer-reviewed textbook, professional healthcare textbook, or a peer-reviewed journal or periodical. Two hours of continuing education may be earned for publishing a practice related article in a lay publication. Five hours of continuing education may be earned for publishing a non peer-reviewed professional publication. |
(d) | Independent reading of peer-reviewed articles or viewing or listening to media related to the practice of occupational therapy that does not include a self-assessment part. If audited, an applicant shall submit an affidavit attesting to the number of hours the applicant spent participating in these activities that includes a description of the activity. | One hour of continuing education may be earned for each 60 minutes of participation. A maximum of 5 hours of continuing education may be earned in each renewal period. |
(e) | Initial presentation of an academic or continuing education program that is not a part of the applicant's regular job description. If audited, an applicant shall submit a copy of the curriculum and a letter from the program sponsor verifying the length and date of the presentation. | Three hours of continuing education may be earned for each 60 minutes of presentation. A maximum of 10 hours of continuing education may be earned in each renewal period. |
(f) | Fieldwork supervision that is not part of the applicant's primary job description. If audited, an applicant shall submit a copy of a letter of verification or certificate from school including dates of fieldwork and name of fieldwork student. | Level I: One hour of continuing education, for all supervision activities, may be earned per student. Level II: One hour of continuing education may be earned for each week of supervision per student supervised. A maximum of 12 hours of continuing education may be earned in each renewal period. |
(g) | Participating on a state or national board, board of a local chapter, association, or committee, or volunteering if the activity enhances the participant's knowledge and understanding of the field of occupational therapy. If audited, an applicant shall submit documentation verifying the licensee's participation in not less than 50% of the regularly scheduled meetings of the board. | A maximum of 10 hours of continuing education may be earned for this activity in each renewal period. Attendance at a meeting equals 1 credit hour of continuing education. Attendance at a volunteering activity equals 1 credit hour of continuing education. |
(h) | Primary or co-primary investigator in research activities or outcome studies, or externally funded service training projects associated with grants or post-graduation studies related to the field of occupational therapy. If audited, an applicant shall submit documentation verifying the licensee's participation as a primary or co-primary investigator or in externally funded service training projects associated with grants or post-graduation studies related to the field of occupational therapy. | A maximum of 10 hours of continuing education may be earned in each renewal period. |
Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.1252