Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.10303b

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 338.10303b - Continued program approval; self-study and nursing education program report requirements

Rule 303b.

(1) Self-study reports: After full approval has been granted under R 338.10303a, a sponsoring agency of an unaccredited program shall submit a comprehensive self-study report every 8 years. The report must include all the following information for all of the years since the last self-study report was approved by the board.
(a) History of sponsoring agency.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Conceptual framework.
(d) Curriculum to include end of program student learning outcomes and course student learning outcomes.
(e) Detailed plan of study that includes all the following:
(i) Program plan of study including all required courses.
(ii) Course sequence.
(iii) Credits per course including theory, laboratory, clinical and simulation hours.
(f) Course descriptions and outlines.
(g) Signed clinical contracts or current letters of commitment for clinical placements.
(h) Evaluation methods and tools.
(i) Program outcomes.
(j) Director and nursing faculty credentials.
(k) Student policies and support services.
(2) Sponsoring agencies of accredited programs shall comply with all the following:
(a) All reporting requirements set forth by the accrediting organization.
(b) A sponsoring agency may submit to the board a letter of accreditation or reaccreditation from the accrediting organization instead of submitting a self-study report prepared for the board if no deficiencies were found.
(i) The letter must be submitted to the board within 90 days after the date on the decision letter.
(ii) If the sponsoring agency fails to submit the letter within 90 days, a self-study report must be prepared for the board in accordance with subrule (1) of this rule.
(c) If the letter of accreditation or reaccreditation from the accrediting organization noted deficiencies, the program shall provide the decision letter and supporting documentation from the accrediting organization along with all follow-up reports, supporting documentation, and resulting decision letters from the accrediting organization to the board.
(i) The letter of accreditation or reaccreditation and any follow up report decision letters must be submitted to the board within 90 days after the date on the letter.
(ii) The board may request further documentation from the sponsoring agency.
(d) Programs shall immediately notify the board of changes in the accreditation status, cycle, or reporting dates.
(3) Nursing education program reports: After a program has been granted full approval under R 338.10303a, the sponsoring agency of an unaccredited program shall submit a nurse education program report to the board every 4 years. Subject to subrule (4) of this rule, the sponsoring agency of an accredited program shall submit a nurse education program report to the board at the midpoint of the accreditation cycle. The nursing education program report must include all the following information for each year since the last self-study report was approved by the board:
(a) Program information pertaining to total program length, required credits, and all required courses, including any prerequisite courses, in the program's plan of study.
(b) Analysis and action plans for program performance outcomes including program completion rates, first-time NCLEX pass rates, and job placement rates.
(c) Systematic program evaluation results and action plan, including analysis of end of program student learning outcomes, including but not limited to, NCLEX pass rates for first time takers, program completion rates, and employment rates.
(d) Major program changes.
(e) Nursing faculty qualified to teach nursing courses, assignments, and any nursing faculty exceptions.
(f) End of program student learning outcomes for each program option.
(g) The plan of study that demonstrates progression of learning across the curriculum.
(4) Sponsoring agencies of accredited programs that are required to submit a midcycle report shall comply with all the following:
(a) All midcycle reporting requirements set forth by the accrediting organization.
(b) A sponsoring agency may submit to the board a midcycle report decision letter from the accrediting organization if no deficiencies requiring a supplemental report were found.
(i) The letter must be submitted to the board within 90 days after the date on the decision letter.
(ii) If the sponsoring agency fails to submit the letter within 90 days, a nursing education program report must be prepared for the board in accordance with subrule (3) of this rule.
(c) If the midcycle accreditation report decision letter from the accrediting organization noted deficiencies, the program shall provide the decision letter and supporting documentation from the accrediting organization along with all follow-up reports, supporting documentation, and resulting decision letters from the accrediting organization to the board.
(i) The midcycle report decision letter and any follow up report decision letters must be submitted to the board within 90 days after the date on the letter.
(ii) The board may request further documentation from the sponsoring agency.
(5) The board shall notify the program director of the date by which a nursing education program report must be submitted.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.10303b

2017 AACS; 2018 AACS; 2020 AACS; 2022 AACS; 2024 MR 9, Eff. 5/8/2024