Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.10301

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 338.10301 - Definitions

Rule 301.

(1) As used in this part:
(a) "Accreditation" means a self-regulatory process that meets or exceeds educational quality standards and criteria set forth by a national nursing education accrediting organization.
(b) "Accrediting organization" means a board approved accrediting organization of nursing education programs listed in R 338.10303d.
(c) "Accredited program" means a program that has obtained accreditation from a board approved accrediting organization of nursing education programs, as that term is defined in R 338.10303d.
(d) "ADN" means an associate's degree in nursing.
(e) "Capstone course" means a clinical experience completed in the final year of the nursing education program that synthesizes the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills acquired throughout the program to prepare the student for professional nursing practice.
(f) "Clinical experience" means direct nursing care experiences with actual patients or clients that offer students the opportunity to integrate, apply, and refine specific skills and abilities that are based on theoretical concepts and scientific principles. Clinical experience may include simulated nursing experiences subject to R 338.10306 and R 338.10309.
(g) "Clinical laboratory hours" means those hours of the curriculum that are assigned to laboratory practice, basic skills training, and observational experiences that offer the student the opportunity to meet educational outcomes.
(h) "Cohort" means a group of students admitted in the same academic semester or term with the intention of completing the nursing program at the same graduation date. Cohort includes students who transfer into the program at the same academic level.
(i) "Conceptual framework" means the distinct, systematic organization of concepts and planned student outcomes of the program that are consistent with relevant professional nursing standards and the mission, goals, philosophy, and purposes of the sponsoring institution, and gives direction to the curriculum.
(j) "Cooperating agency" means an individual, organization, or institution that, by written agreement or letter of intent, accepts students and faculty for nursing educational experiences.
(k) "Core curriculum for licensed practical nurse students" means courses in didactic instruction and planned clinical experience, which encompass the LPN scope of practice, in each of the following areas of nursing:
(i) Adult health nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care throughout the adult lifespan; providing care for the acute and chronic phases of a medical illness; health promotion; and disease prevention.
(ii) Maternal and reproductive nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care for women and their families in the gynecological, antepartum, labor and delivery, and postpartum phases of pregnancy, and includes the care of a newborn infant.
(iii) Children's nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care for children whose ages range from birth through adolescence and who are receiving nursing care for both medical and surgical reasons.
(iv) Surgical nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care throughout the adult lifespan, providing care before, during, and after a surgical procedure, health promotion, and disease prevention.
(l) "Core curriculum for registered professional nurse students" means didactic instruction and planned clinical experience, which encompass the RN scope of practice, in each of the following areas of nursing:
(i) Adult health nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care throughout the adult lifespan; providing care for the acute or chronic phases of a medical illness; health promotion; and disease prevention.
(ii) Maternal and reproductive nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care for women and their families in the gynecological, antepartum, labor and delivery, and postpartum phases of pregnancy, and includes the care of a newborn infant.
(iii) Children's nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care for children whose ages range from birth through adolescence and who are receiving nursing care for both medical and surgical reasons.
(iv) Psychiatric/mental health nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care of individuals with an acute or chronic mental health or psychiatric disorder.
(v) Surgical nursing, which must consist of the study of nursing care throughout an adult lifespan, providing care before, during, and after a surgical procedure, health promotion, and disease prevention.
(m) "Course student learning outcomes" means statements of educational expectations written in measurable terms for the knowledge, skills, or behaviors students must demonstrate by the end of the course. The statements must reflect contemporary evidence-based nursing practice and enhance achievement of end of program student learning outcomes.
(n) "Curriculum" means implementation of appropriate learning experiences that accomplish measurable course and program outcomes, which incorporate the nursing program's purpose, philosophy, and conceptual framework of the nursing program through the systematic arrangement of courses. This includes outcomes stated in measurable terms and accomplished through appropriate learning experiences planned for a clearly defined group of students and extending over a defined period of time depending on the type of nursing education program. Systematic and ongoing evaluation within the context of measurable outcomes is inherent in the curriculum.
(o) "End of program student learning outcomes" means statements of educational expectations written in measurable terms for the knowledge, skills, or behaviors students must demonstrate by the end of the program. The statements must reflect professional standards, guidelines, contemporary nursing practice, guide the curriculum, and increase in complexity as students progress through the curriculum.
(p) "Final program approval report" means an updated self-study done after the graduation of the second cohort and before the graduation of the fourth cohort that is submitted to the board when the program is seeking full program approval.
(q) "Full program approval" means approval of a program granted after satisfactory demonstration to the board of compliance with these rules.
(r) "Initial approval" means approval that is granted by the board to inaugurate a program of nursing education.
(s) "Instruction" means educational methodology for achieving curriculum outcomes.
(t) "Learning experiences" means planned learning situations, which may include clinical experiences, clinical laboratory hours, or classroom instruction.
(u) "MSN" means a master's of science in nursing.
(v) "Nurse site reviewer" means a nurse with expertise in curriculum development and nursing program administration or education that independently examines a nursing program applying for program approval.
(w) "Nursing education program report" means a report completed and submitted between the self-study submissions. It provides the board with information as to the program's admissions, attrition, courses, clinical experience, faculty program evaluation, and outcomes and is submitted as follows:
(i) For programs that have received initial approval under R 338.10303, the report must be submitted each year during the program approval phase.
(ii) For programs that have received full approval under R 338.10303a, the report must be completed and submitted at the halfway point between the self-study submissions.
(x) "Nursing faculty" means a member of the faculty qualified to teach nursing courses and evaluate learning.
(y) "Nursing process" means the ongoing assessment, analysis, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care.
(z) "Observational experience" means a planned learning situation that is not direct patient care, does not require intervention by the student, meets preplanned stated outcomes, and provides for student evaluation.
(aa) "Philosophy" means the stated beliefs of faculty about nursing education and practice that determine the design of the curriculum and the evaluation of the program and that are consistent with the educational philosophy of the sponsoring agency.
(bb) "Practical nurse program" means a nursing program to prepare students for practical nurse licensure.
(cc) "Preceptor" means an experienced nurse, paired in a 1-to-1 relationship with a nursing student, who actively participates in the education, mentoring, and evaluation of the nursing student in a clinical setting.
(dd) "Probationary status" means the period when a program is under disciplinary action by the board.
(ee) "Program director" means a nurse who is delegated the authority and accountability for the nursing program by the sponsoring agency.
(ff) "Program of nursing education" means a plan or design indicating the relationship of the components necessary to achieve the goal of preparing individuals for licensure as registered or practical nurses under the code.
(gg) "Program outcomes" means documented and measurable indicators that reflect the program's overall effectiveness.
(hh) "Registered professional nurse program" means a nursing program to prepare students for initial registered nurse licensure.
(ii) "Self-study report" means an in-depth written review of all aspects of a nursing education program that contains evidence of the program's compliance with all the requirements of these rules.
(jj) "Simulation laboratory" means activities that replicate patient care scenarios and are designed to foster clinical decision-making and critical thinking. Scenarios may include the use of medium or high-fidelity mannequins, standardized patients, role playing, skills stations, and computer-based critical thinking simulations.
(kk) "Site visit" means a physical inspection of an institution and all the components of its program of nursing education for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this part.
(ll) "Sponsoring agency" means the organization or institution of which the nursing program is a component.
(mm) "Unaccredited program" means a program that has not obtained accreditation from a board approved accrediting organization of nursing education programs, as that term is defined in R 338.10303d.
(2) Unless otherwise defined in the rules, the terms defined in the code have the same meaning as used in these rules.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.10301

1989 AACS; 2003 AACS; 2017 AACS; 2018 AACS; 2020 AACS; 2022 AACS; 2024 MR 9, Eff. 5/8/2024