Mich. Admin. Code R. 339.6042

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 339.6042 - Barber college or barbershop owner's duty concerning program requirements; barber college and apprenticeship program requirements

Rule 42.

(1) The owner of a barber college or a barbershop conducting an apprenticeship program shall ensure that the barber college or barbershop complies with the requirements of subrules (2) to (7) of this rule.
(2) A barber college shall display all licenses as required under section 1110(8) of the code, MCL 339.1110.
(3) A barbershop conducting an apprenticeship program shall display the apprentice registration permit in a prominent place on the premises that is visible to the public at all times.
(4) A barbershop conducting an apprenticeship program shall ensure that all the apprentice's training is performed by an individual who holds an active barber license issued by this state.
(5) A barber college may transfer credit of hours a student had previously earned in a barber college toward the completion of a curriculum under R 339.6047, if the barber college determines that the previously earned hours are substantially similar to the hours required under the applicable curriculum. If a barber college allows a student to substitute substantially similar hours earned in another barber college, it shall include in the student's records the number of substantially similar theory and practical hours it has allowed the student to substitute.
(6) A barbershop conducting an apprenticeship program may grant credit for hours an apprentice has earned in another apprenticeship program toward the completion of a curriculum under R 339.6047, if the new apprenticeship program determines that the previously earned hours are substantially similar to the hours required under the applicable curriculum. If a barbershop conducting an apprenticeship program allows an apprentice to substitute substantially similar hours earned in another apprenticeship program, it shall include in the apprentice's records the number of substantially similar theory and practical hours it has allowed the apprentice to substitute.
(7) A barber college shall not transfer credit of hours that were earned in an apprenticeship program toward the completion of the student's school curriculum. An apprenticeship program shall not transfer credit of hours that were earned as a student toward the completion of an apprenticeship program.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 339.6042

2023 MR 19, Eff. 10/2/2023