Mich. Admin. Code R. 339.6022

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 339.6022 - Licensure by endorsement; substantially equal requirements; substituted experience; training obtained outside the United States

Rule 22.

(1) An individual who is licensed as a barber in another state, jurisdiction, or country may apply for a barber license by endorsement under this rule.
(2) An applicant for licensure by endorsement, in addition to meeting all the requirements under section 1108 of the code, MCL 339.1108, shall submit an application on a form provided by the department, pay the required fee, and satisfy all of the following requirements:
(a) Hold or have held in good standing a license as a barber for at least 1 of the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application.
(b) Provide proof of any name change, if the name on the application does not match the name shown on the submitted documents.
(c) Demonstrate that the licensure requirements of the state, jurisdiction, or country, in which the applicant has held a barber license for at least 1 of the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application, are substantially equal to the requirements for licensure under the code and these rules.
(3) The requirements of another state, jurisdiction, or country are considered substantially equal to the requirements for a barber license in this state if the state, jurisdiction, or country required an applicant to pass 1 or more examinations that tested barber theory and practical applications that are substantially equal to the barber theory and practical application examinations for licensure in this state and the applicant satisfies either of the following:
(a) The state, jurisdiction, or country required an applicant to receive not less than 1,800 hours of prelicensure instruction at a licensed barber college.
(b) The state, jurisdiction, or country required an applicant to receive not less than 1,800 hours of prelicensure instruction in a barber apprenticeship program.
(4) If an applicant received instruction outside of the United States, the evidence that the prelicensure instruction was substantially equal to the requirements for a barber license in this state must include an evaluation completed by a current member of the NACES.
(5) Except as provided in subrule (6) of this rule, if the applicant received prelicensure instruction at a licensed barber college and the applicant's records fail to satisfy the requirements of subrule (3)(a) of this rule, under section 1108(3) of the code, MCL 339.1108, the hours of prelicensure instruction required under the code and these rules may be substituted with barber or barber apprentice experience at a ratio of 100 hours of training for each 3 months of barber or barber apprentice experience. To receive credit, the applicant shall attest on a form provided by the department that the applicant worked as a barber or barber apprentice for a period of time equal to the number of hours of training required for licensure.
(6) If the applicant's records of prelicensure instruction at a licensed barber college cannot be produced because the instruction was obtained in a country from which records are not generally available, the applicant may substitute the hours as allowed under subrule (5) of this rule for those required under R 339.6047, table 47, except those under the topics of safety and sanitation and laws, rules, and regulations by providing both of the following:
(a) A notarized affidavit stating all of the following, as applicable:
(i) The name and address of each school or barber college program where prelicensure instruction was completed, including a description of the type of instruction and grades received.
(ii) The total number of years of prelicensure instruction received.
(iii) The name and address of each entity where barber or barber apprenticeship experience was acquired, along with the dates and hours of qualified experience as a barber or as a barber apprentice.
(b) A notarized statement from a government official of the country in which the records are unavailable attesting to the unavailability of the applicant's records.
(7) Each state, jurisdiction, or country in which the applicant holds or has ever held a license as a barber shall verify that the applicant's license is currently in good standing or was in good standing just before it lapsed.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 339.6022

2021 AACS; 2023 MR 19, Eff. 10/2/2023