Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.5215

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 338.5215 - Acceptable continuing education; requirements; limitations

Rule 215.

(1) The continuing education hours required for renewal must satisfy the following requirements:

Activity and Proof of Completion

Number of Continuing

Education Hours Earned for the Activity


Attendance in a group program that satisfies all the following requirements:

- The content area of the program satisfies R 338.5255.

- The program is conducted by an instructor or discussion leader whose background, training, education, or experience makes it appropriate for the instructor or discussion leader to lead a discussion on the content area.

- The sponsor of the program takes individual attendance.

- The sponsor of the program issues to each attendee a program outline and a written certification of the attendee's hours of attendance.

- The sponsor of the program keeps written records of individual attendance and the program outline for 4 years.

If audited, a licensee shall provide a copy of a letter or certificate of completion showing the licensee's name, total continuing education hours earned, sponsor name and contact information, course title, course field of study, date offered or completed, and type of instruction or delivery method used.

Fifty minutes of continuous instruction equals 1 continuing education hour.

Additional credit is granted after the first 50 minutes for continuous instruction in the following amounts:

One-half credit, 0.5 credit, for every additional 25 minutes.

One-fifth credit, 0.2 credit, for every additional 10 minutes.


Completion of an individual nano-learning program that satisfies all the following requirements:

- The content area of the program satisfies R 338.5255.

- The program is an educational course designed for nano-learning delivery.

- The program uses instructional methods that define a minimum of 1 learning objective.

- The program guides the participant through a program of learning and provides proof verifying a participant's satisfactory completion of the program.

- The sponsor requires the participant to successfully complete a qualified assessment with a passing grade of 100% before issuing credit for the course.

- The sponsor of the program issues the participants a written certification of the participants" completion of the program and a program outline.

- The sponsor of the program keeps written records of the participant's completion of the program and the program outline for 4 years.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of a letter or certificate of completion provided by the program sponsor verifying the licensee's name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name and contact information, course title, course field of study, date completed, and type of instruction or delivery method used.

Credit is awarded as 1/5 credit, 0.2 credit, for each nano-learning program completed.

A nano-learning course cannot be combined with another nano-learning course.

A combined maximum of 20 continuing education hours may be earned under this activity and activity (f) during each continuing education period.


Passing a noncredit academic course that satisfies both of the following requirements:

- The content area of the course satisfies R 338.5255.

- The course is offered by an educational institution that satisfies R 338.5115.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a letter from the institution confirming the name and course number of the course completed, number of classroom hours attended, and the date of satisfactory course completion.

Each 50 minutes of continuous instruction equals 1 continuing education hour.


Passing a for-credit academic course that satisfies both of the following requirements:

- The content area of the course satisfies R 338.5255.

- The course is offered by an educational institution that satisfies R 338.5115.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of an official transcript or a letter from the institution confirming the name and course number of the course completed, credit hours earned, and date of satisfactory course completion.

Fifteen continuing education hours are granted for each academic credit hour.


Classroom work as a teacher, instructor, speaker, or lecturer that is part of an academic course of which the content area satisfies R 338.5255 and is offered at an educational institution that satisfies R 338.5115 or conducting a group program that satisfies the requirements under activity (a) as a teacher, instructor, lecturer, speaker, or seminar discussion leader.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of the confirmation letter provided by the program sponsor or the institution verifying the licensee's name, number of hours of classroom work or hours spent conducting the group program, course title, course field of study, and dates of the presentation or instruction.

Three continuing education hours are granted for every 50 minutes of continuous instruction.

A maximum of 20 continuing education hours may be earned during each continuing education period.


Completion of an individual self-study program that satisfies all the following requirements:

- The content area of the program satisfies R 338.5255.

- The program is an educational course designed for self-study.

- The sponsor of the program issues the participants a written certification of the participant's completion of the program and a program outline.

- The sponsor of the program keeps written records of the participant's completion of the program and the program outline for 4 years.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of a letter or certificate of completion provided by the program sponsor verifying the licensee's name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name and contact information, course title, course field of study, date completed, and type of instruction or delivery method used.

Twenty-five minutes of continuous instruction equals " credit, 0.5 credit, of 1 continuing education hour.

One-fifth credit (0.2 credit) of 1 continuing education hour is granted for every additional 10 minutes of continuous instruction after the first 25 minutes of continuous instruction.

A combined maximum of 20 continuing education hours may be earned under this activity and activity (b) during each continuing education period.


A course in professional ethics that satisfies the requirements of activity (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) is approved if the content area of the course satisfies R 338.5255(2).

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of a letter or certificate of completion provided by the program sponsor verifying the licensee's name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name and contact information, course title, course field of study, date completed, and type of instruction or delivery method used.

Continuing education hours are granted in an amount allowed under the type of activity for which the course qualifies.


Completion of a course in Michigan statutes and rules applicable to public accountancy that satisfies all the following requirements:

- The content of the course is created by the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants.

- The course provider issues the participants a written certification of the participant's completion of the course and a course outline.

- The sponsor of the program keeps written records of the participant's completion of the course and the course outline for 4 years.

If audited, the licensee shall provide a copy of a letter or certificate of completion provided by the program sponsor verifying the licensee's name, number of continuing education hours earned, sponsor name and contact information, course title, course field of study, date completed, and type of instruction or delivery method used.

Fifty minutes of continuous instruction equals 1 continuing education hour.

(2) Continuing education hours are not granted for a program or activity that has substantially equivalent content of a program or activity for which the applicant has already earned continuing education hours during the continuing education period.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 338.5215

1979 AC; 1986 AACS; 1996 AACS; 1998-2000 AACS; 2003 AACS; 2019 AACS; 2021 AACS; 2022 AACS; 2023 MR 20, Eff. 10/24/2023