Rule 63. Sections 7-3 to 7-3.2 of the storage and handling of gaseous and Liquefied H2 code are added as follows:
7-3 Operating requirements for full-service H2 motor fuel dispensing facilities.
7-3.1 Each motor fuel dispensing facility shall have an attendant or supervisor on duty whenever the facility is open for business. The attendant or supervisor shall dispense H2 into fuel tanks of motor vehicles or into portable containers.
7-3.2 The provisions of section 2-1 of this part shall not prohibit the temporary use of a portable storage container in conjunction with the dispensing of H2 into a container or motor vehicle or motorized equipment which is on the premises and which is not accessible to the public. A portable storage container installation shall only be made with the approval of the department and comply with all the requirements of section 2-13.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.7063