Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.1508

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 29.1508 - Universal amendments

Rule 8. Sections 1-3.11.1, 6-4.3, 7-1.1, 7-4.2, 7-4.3, 7-6.3.2, 7-6.4, 7-6.5.3, 33-1.1, and 33-1.2 of the code are amended, and sections 7-1.2, 7-4.4, 7-4.5, 7-4.7, and 7-4. 8 of the code are deleted, as follows: 1-3.11.1 A person may occupy a building or portion of a building during construction, repair, alterations, or additions only if all required means of egress and all required fire protection features in the building and on site are in place and continuously maintained for the part occupied and if the occupied portion is separated from the part under construction by a fire barrier that has a 1-hour-fire-resistance rating. The temporary 1-hour rated fire barrier that is used for this separation may be constructed of combustible material. Instead of having all required means of egress and required fire protection features in place, the owner or authorized representative may take other measures if the measures would provide equivalent safety and if the measures are approved by the office of fire safety. 6-4.3. The owner or authorized representative shall ensure that flammable and combustible liquids are stored and handled in compliance with rules promulgated pursuant to the provisions of the act. 7-1.1. The owner or authorized representative shall ensure that equipment which utilizes gas and related gas piping is installed in compliance with the provisions of the national fire protection association standard no. 54, 1996 edition, entitled "National Fuel Gas Code," as adopted in these rules, or rules promulgated under the act, as applicable.

Exception: Existing installations may be continued in service, subject to approval by the authority having jurisdiction.

7-1.2. Deleted.

7-4.2. The owner or authorized representative shall ensure that new elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks are installed in compliance with R 408.8101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

7-4.3. The owner or authorized representative shall ensure that existing elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks are in compliance with R 408.8101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

7-4.4. Deleted.

7-4.5. Deleted.

7-4.7. Deleted.

7-4.8. Deleted.

7-6.3.2. The owner or authorized representative shall ensure that notification is provided by audible and visible signals that are in compliance with sections 7-6.3.3 to section 7-6.3.10 of the code.

Exception no. 1: Where permitted by sections 8 to 32 of the code, a presignal system is permitted if the initial fire alarm signal is automatically transmitted without delay to a municipal fire department or a fire brigade and to an on-site staff person who is trained to respond to a fire emergency.

Exception no. 2: Where permitted by sections 8 to 32 of the code, a positive alarm sequence is permitted if it is in compliance with the provisions of national fire protection association standard no. 72, 1996 edition, entitled "National Fire Alarm Code," as adopted in these rules. 7-6.4.

(1) Where required by another section of the code, the owner or authorized representative shall ensure that emergency forces notification is provided to alert the municipal fire department and fire brigade, if provided, of fire or other emergency.
(2) Where fire department notification is required by another section of the code, the owner or authorized representative shall ensure that the fire alarm system is arranged to transmit the alarm automatically by any of the following means acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and in compliance with national fire protection standard no. 72, 1996 edition, entitled "National Fire Alarm Code," as adopted in these rules:
(a) An auxiliary alarm system.
(b) A central station connection.
(c) A proprietary system.
(d) A remote station connection.
(3) A facility is in compliance with required emergency forces notification if it has written policy and procedure that is approved by the authority having jurisdiction. The policy and procedure shall provide for all of the following:
(a) The designation of a staff member on each shift to be responsible for notifying a local fire department.
(b) The availability at all times of a nonpay telephone for employees who are designated pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (a) of this subrule to notify a local fire department.
(c) That the telephone number of the local fire department is conspicuously posted near the telephone.
(d) A requirement that notification of the fire department is incorporated into all fire drills.

7-6.5.3. The functions specified in section 7-6.5.2 shall be permitted to be actuated by any protective signaling and control system where otherwise not required by the code when acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

33-1.1. The standards specified in this rule are adopted by reference as part of these rules. Copies of the adopted standards are available for review at the office of the State Fire Safety Board, Office of Fire Safety, Consumer and Industry Services, 7150 Harris Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48909. Copies of adopted national fire protection association standards may be purchased from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269-9101, telephone number 1-800-344-3555, internet address www.nfpa.org. The costs of the standards as of the time of adoption of these rules are as indicated:

NFPA 10, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 13, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems." Cost: $35.00.

NFPA 13D, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 13R, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 14, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 25, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 30, 1996 edition, entitled "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 30B, 1994 edition, entitled "Code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products." Cost:$24.25.NFPA 31, 1997 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment." Cost: $21.75.NFPA 40, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard for the Storage and Handling of

Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 43B, 1993 edition, entitled "Code for the Storage of Organic Peroxide Formulations." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 43D, 1994 edition, entitled "Code for the Storage of Pesticides." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 45, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard on Fire Protection for

Laboratories Using Chemicals." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 54, 1996 edition, entitled "National Fuel Gas Code." Cost: $28.75.

NFPA 58, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for the Storage and Handling of

Liquefied Petroleum Gases." Cost: $28.75.

NFPA 70, 1996 edition, entitled "National Electrical Code." Cost: $46.25.

NFPA 72, 1996 edition, entitled "National Fire Alarm Code." Cost: $35.00.

NFPA 80, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Fire Doors and Windows." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 82, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard on Incinerators and Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 90A, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 90B, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 91, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Materials." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 96, 1997 edition, entitled "Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 99, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for Health Care Facilities." Cost: $35.00.

NFPA 101A, 1995 edition, entitled "Alternative Approaches to Life Safety." Cost: $27.00.

NFPA 102, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and Membrane Structures." Cost: $ 24.25.

NFPA 110, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 111, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems." Cost: $18.75.

NFPA 211, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 220, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard on Types of Building Construction." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 221, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard for Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 231, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for General Storage." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 231C, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Rack Storage of Materials." Cost: $24.25.

NFPA 231D, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard for Storage of Rubber Tires." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 241, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 251, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials." Cost: $21.75.

NFPA 252, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 253, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 255, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 256, 1993 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 257, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard on Fire Test for Window and Glass Block Assemblies." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 260, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Tests and Classification System for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Components of Upholstered Furniture." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 265, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Room Fire Growth Contribution of Textile Wall Coverings." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 266, 1994 edition, entitled "Standard Method of Test for Fire Characteristics of Upholstered Furniture Exposed to Flaming Ignition Source. "Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 418, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Heliports." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 701, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 703, 1995 edition, entitled "Standard for Fire Retardant Impregnated Wood for Fire Retardant Coatings for Building Materials." Cost: $18.25.

NFPA 1126, 1996 edition, entitled "Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics before a Proximate Audience." Cost: $18.25.

33-1.2. The standards specified in this rule are adopted by reference as part of these rules. Copies of the adopted standards are available for review at the office of the State Fire Safety Board, Office of Fire Safety, Consumer and Industry Services, 7150 Harris Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48909.Referenced standards may be purchased from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, telephone number 1-800-854-7179, internet address www.global.ihs.com [File Link Not Available]. California technical bulletin no. 129 may be ordered from the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, 3485

Orange Grove Avenue, North Highlands, California 95660-5595 at no charge or from the internet address www.dca.ca.gov/bhfti/ at no charge. The code of federal regulations may be downloaded from the internet address of www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr at no charge. The costs of the standards as of the time of adoption of these rules are as indicated:

ANSI A14.3-1984, entitled "Safety Code for Fixed Ladders." Cost: $25.00.

CABO/ANSI A117.1-1992, entitled "American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities." Cost: $47.50.

ANSI A1264.1-1989, entitled "Safety Requirements for Workplace Floor and Wall Openings, Stairs and Railing Systems." Cost: $25.00.

ASME/ANSI A17.1-1993, entitled "Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators," including Addenda A17.1a-1994 and A17.1b-1995. Cost: $414.00.

ASTM E136-1982, entitled "Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750Chr(176)C." Cost: $39.00.

ASTM E1537, entitled "Standard Method for Fire Testing of Real Scale Upholstered Furniture Items." Cost: $39.00.

ASTM E1590-1994, entitled "Standard Method for Fire Testing of Real Scale Mattresses." Cost: $39.00.

ASTM F851-1983, entitled "Standard Test Method for Self-Rising Seat Mechanisms." Cost: $28.00.

California Department of Consumer Affairs Technical Bulletin No. 129, entitled "Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use in Public Buildings." Cost: No charge.

Code of Federal Regulations 16, Part 1632, entitled "Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads." Cost: $74.00 from Global Engineering Documents. No charge for internet download.

UL 924, entitled "Standard for Safety Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment." Cost: $312.00. UL 1975, entitled "Standard for Fire Tests for Foamed Plastics Used for Decorative Purposes." Cost: $355.00.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.1508

2001 AACS