Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.405

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 29.405 - Classification for firefighter I with hazardous materials operations; firefighter II; firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations; requirements; reciprocity

Rule 5.

(1) The following are the classifications for firefighter I with hazardous materials operations, firefighter II, and firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations, pursuant to section 9 of the act, MCL 29.369:
(a) A firefighter I with hazardous materials operations is an individual who completes council-approved course requirements and passes the written and practical examinations, which covers the skill and knowledge requirements in NFPA 1001, "Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications," as adopted by reference in R 29.410.
(b) A firefighter II is a firefighter I with hazardous materials operations completes council-approved course requirements and passes the council-approved written and practical examinations, which covers the skill and knowledge requirements NFPA 1001, "Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications," as adopted by reference in R 29.410.
(c) A firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations is an individual who completes council-approved course requirements and passes the written and practical examinations, which cover the skill and knowledge requirements in NFPA 1001, "Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications," as adopted by reference in R 29.410.
(2) An individual attending a firefighter I with hazardous materials operations, firefighter II, or firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations course shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Be 18 years of age or older on the date of the final written and practical examinations, with the exception of a cadet or an explorer.
(b) Be an explorer or cadet to attend council approved courses, have on file with the bureau a letter of declaration and a copy of the charter or resolution from the local unit of government with a copy presented to the course manager from the fire chief or public safety director. A cadet or explorer may participate in all of the following council-approved courses:
(i) Firefighter I with hazardous materials operations.
(ii) Firefighter II.
(iii) Firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations.
(iv) Incident command and resource management.
(3) An individual who attends a council-approved firefighter course or courses to qualify for the certification examinations shall comply with both of the following:
(a) An individual shall not be absent from more than 10% of the total in-person or virtual hours of an entire course as validated by the course manager, subject to the following:
(i) A course manager may provide flexibility in attendance as needed in firefighter courses due to the length of the course and an individual's employment obligations.
(ii) An individual who is provided flexibility in attendance shall make up missed lecture hours and classes before the scheduled ending date of the course.
(iii) An individual shall meet 100% of the practical skills hours.
(iv) A course manager shall enforce the bureau's make up policy.
(b) An individual who completes make up training at his or her fire department or public safety department shall complete the bureau's Make Up Training form, BFS-256, for each make up session authorized by the course manager. The fire chief or public safety director shall sign the form and return the form to the course manager for inclusion in the final course paperwork submitted to the bureau via email.
(4) An individual shall comply with the requirements in the Michigan occupational safety and health administration (MIOSHA) Occupational Health Standard Part 451, "Respiratory Protection," R 325.60051 to R 325.60052, while participating in the council-approved firefighter I with hazardous materials operations course, the firefighter II course, or the firefighter I and II with hazardous materials operations course. An individual who participates in council-approved courses that require respiratory protection or equipment to be worn shall be completely free of facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and face or that interferes with valve function or any condition that interferes with the face-to-face piece seal or valve function.
(5) An individual shall apply to the bureau on the bureau's Training Certification Application form, BFS-205, for certification before taking the state certification examination.
(6) An individual with a valid Pro Board or IFSAC certificate, applying for reciprocity certification, shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Be a member or an employee of a fire department or public safety department in this state.
(b) Be entered into the bureau's training information network.
(c) Meet the NFPA 1001, "Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications," at the time the certification is issued.
(d) Complete and submit the bureau's Request For Reciprocity Application form, BFS-258.
(7) An individual applying for reciprocity certification shall be certified by another state's certifying agency and shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Be a member or an employee of a fire department or public safety department.
(b) Be entered into the bureau's training information network.
(c) Meet the NFPA 1001, "Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications," at the time the certification is issued.
(d) Complete and submit the bureau's Request For Reciprocity Application form, BFS-258.
(8) An individual who has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States, completed firefighter training while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, and is applying for reciprocity certification shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Be a member or an employee of a fire department or public safety department in this state.
(b) Be entered into the bureau's training information network.
(c) Meet the NFPA 1001, "Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications."
(d) Complete and submit the bureau's Request For Reciprocity Application form, BFS-258.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.405

1979 AC; 2016 AACS; 2021 MR 21, Eff. 11/3/2021