Rule 128.
(1) The purpose of this rule is to prescribe the form and content of the county or municipal treasurers' certificate on the plat required by the act. (a) The surveyor shall affix on the plat and the county treasurer shall use the certificate which follows, when certifying taxes on the final plat.(b) The municipal treasurer shall use the same form but a separate certificate when the municipality does not return its delinquent taxes to the state.(2) The treasurer shall do all of the following:(a) Insert the date the certificate is signed.(b) Sign the certificate.(c) State the name of the county or municipality.(3) The instructions in subrule (2) also apply to a separate certificate which shall be made by the municipal treasurer when required by subrule (1).TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE
The records in my office show no unpaid taxes or special assessments for the 5 years preceding (a) , involving the lands included in this plat.
(Printed name) county (or municipal) treasurer
(Name of county or municipality)
Mich. Admin. Code R. 560.128
(a) to (c) refer to identically lettered paragraphs of the rule.