Mich. Admin. Code R. 125.1190

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 125.1190 - Inspections

Rule 190.

(1) The department, or its authorized representative, shall not conduct an inspection under the act or these rules without upon arrival, identifying itself to the developer, owner, operator, or authorized representative of the home business to be inspected. An inspection which is an audit shall not be conducted without first mailing a written notice to the developer, owner, or operator of the home business at least 10 days before the audit, unless the developer, owner, or operator waives the notice requirement in writing. "Inspection," for the purpose of this rule, means, but is not limited to, drive-throughs, walk-throughs, compliance inspections, or any other means from which visual or oral information would be obtained pertaining to the management or operation, or both, or any other aspect of the home business in which the person being inspected is engaged.
(2) This rule does not apply to investigations conducted under section 36(l)(a) of the act.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 125.1190

1979 AC; 1998 AACS