Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.1932

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 325.1932 - Resident's medications

Rule 32.

(1)A service plan must identify prescribed medication to be self-administered or managed by the home.
(2) Prescribed medication managed by the home shall be given, taken, or applied pursuant to labeling instructions, orders and by the prescribing licensed health care professional.
(3) Staff who supervise the administration of medication for residents who do not self-administer shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Be trained in the proper handling and administration of the prescribed medication.
(b) Complete an individual medication log that contains all of the following information:
(i) The name of the prescribed medication.
(ii) The prescribed required dosage and the dosage that was administered.
(iii) Label instructions for use of the prescribed medication or any intervening order.
(iv) The time when the prescribed medication is to be administered and when the medication was administered.
(v) The initials of the individual who administered the prescribed medication.
(vi) A record if the resident refuses to accept prescribed medication and notification as required in subdivision (c) of this subrule.
(vii) A record of the reason for administration of a prescribed medication that is on an as-needed basis.
(c) Contact the appropriate licensed health care professional when the prescribed medication has not been administered in accordance with the label instruction, an order from a health care professional, medication log, or a service plan.
(4) If a resident requires prescription or over-the-counter medication or medications while out of the home, and medication or medications are not identified as self-administered, staff responsible for the medication management shall ensure that the resident, or the person that assumes responsibility for the resident, has all appropriate information, medication, and instructions.
(5) Prescribed medication that is no longer required by a resident must be properly disposed of consistent with the policy established by the home and manufacturer guidelines.
(6) For a resident who is identified as self-administered in his or her service plan, the home must have a policy to offer a secured method of storage for medications if desired by the resident and to notify the applicable health care professional or legal representative if there is a change in a resident's capacity to self-medicate.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.1932

2004 AACS; 2013 AACS; 2023 MR 6, Eff. 3/21/2023