Section R. 418.10117 - Carrier responsibilitiesRule 117.
(1) The carrier or its designated agent shall assure that a billing form is completed properly before making payment to the licensed provider or licensed facility.(2) A carrier may designate a third party to receive provider bills on its behalf. If a carrier instructs the provider to send the medical bills directly to the third party, then the 30-day limit of this rule begins when the third party receives the bill. The carrier is responsible for forwarding bills and medical documentation when there is a third party reviewing medical bills for the carrier.(3) A carrier or designated agent shall make payment of an unadjusted and properly submitted bill within 30 days of receipt of a properly submitted bill or shall add a self- assessed 3% late penalty to the maximum allowable payment or the provider's charge, whichever is less, as required by these rules.(4) A carrier or designated agent shall record payment decisions on a form entitled "Carrier's Explanation of Benefits" using a format approved by the workers' compensation agency. The carrier or designated agent shall keep a copy of the explanation of benefits and shall send a copy to the provider and to the injured worker. The carrier's explanation of benefits shall list a clear reason for the payment adjustment or amount disputed and shall notify the provider what information is required for additional payment.(5) A carrier or designated agent shall make payment of an adjusted bill or portion of an adjusted bill within 30 days of receipt of the properly submitted bill. If a carrier or designated agent rejects a bill in its entirety, then the carrier or designated agent shall notify the provider of the rejection within 30 days after receipt of a properly submitted bill.(6) If a carrier requests the provider to send duplicated copies of the documentation required in part 9 or additional medical records not required by these rules, then the carrier shall reimburse the provider for the copying charges in accord with R 418.10118.(7) When the carrier has disputed a case and has not issued a copy of the formal notice of dispute to the medical provider, then the carrier's explanation of benefits shall be sent in response to the provider's initial bill. The carriers' explanation of benefits shall serve as notice to the provider that nonpayment of the bill is due to the dispute.Mich. Admin. Code R. 418.10117
1998-2000 AACS; 2002 AACS; 2003 AACS; 2005 AACS; 2009 AACS; 2019 MR 1, Eff. 1/8/2019