Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41884

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.41884 - Heating devices

Rule 1884.

(1) Fresh air shall be supplied in sufficient quantities to maintain the health and safety of workmen. Where natural means of fresh air supply is inadequate, mechanical ventilation shall be provided.
(2) When heaters are used in confined spaces, special care shall be taken to provide sufficient ventilation in order to ensure proper combustion, maintain the health and safety of workmen, and limit temperature rise in the area.
(3) A temporary heating device shall not be located less than 50 feet from a point where a flammable liquid is used or dispensed.
(4) A temporary heating device that is set on a combustible floor shall be separated from the floor by an insulating material or 1 inch of concrete. The insulating material shall extend not less than 2 feet beyond the heater in all directions.
(5) A temporary heating device shall be located not less than 10 feet from a combustible covering, such as, but not limited to, canvas or tarpaulins, unless the covering is fastened to prevent its dislodgement due to wind action.
(6) A temporary heating device using L.P. gas, other than in an integral heater-container unit, shall be located not less than 6 feet from any L.P. gas container.
(7) Integral heaters may be used if designed and installed so as to prevent direct or radiant heat application to the container.
(8) Blower-and radiant-type units shall not be directed toward any L.P. gas container that is less than 20 feet away.
(9) If 2 or more heater units are located within the same unpartitioned area, then the containers of each unit shall be separated from the containers of any such other unit by not less than 20 feet.
(10) If containers are manifolded together and serve 1 heater on the same floor, then the total water capacity of the containers shall not be more than 735 pounds (nominal 300 pounds L.P. gas capacity). If more than 1 such manifold is used they shall be separated by not less than 20 feet.
(11) Heating devices, including portable heaters and salamanders using a liquid flammable fuel such as, but not limited to, fuel oil or kerosene, shall be equipped with an approved automatic shutoff safety control device which will, in the event of flame failure, shut off the flow of fuel to the main burner and pilot if used. The device shall not be relit while the combustion chamber is hot.
(12) Portable heaters including salamanders shall be equipped with an approved automatic device to shut off the flow of gas to the main burner, and pilot if used, in the event of flame failure. Such heaters, having inputs above 50,000 British thermal unit's (B.T.U.) per hour, shall be equipped with either a pilot, that is lighted and proved before the main burner can be turned on, or an electric ignition system.

NOTE: The provisions of this rule do not apply to tar kettles, hand torches, melting pots, or portable heaters of less than 7,500 British thermal unit's (B.T.U.), if used with 2 1/2 pound containers.

(13) A temporary heating device shall be installed horizontally level.
(14) A solid fuel salamander shall not be used in a building or on a scaffold.
(15) L.P. gas containers valves, connectors, regulators and manifolds, piping, and tubing shall not be used as structural supports for heaters and shall be located to minimize exposure to high temperatures or physical damage.
(16) A heating device, including a temporary heating device, designed for barometric or gravity oil feed shall be used only with an integral tank.
(17) Heaters specifically designed and approved for use with separate supply tanks may be connected for gravity feed, or an automatic pump, from a supply tank.
(18) Heating equipment of an approved type may be installed in the lubrication or service area where there is no dispensing or transferring of category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids, provided the bottom of the heating unit is at least 18 inches above the floor and is protected from physical damage.
(19) Heating equipment installed in lubrication or service areas, where category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids are dispensed, shall be of an approved type for garages and shall be installed at least 8 feet above the floor.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41884

1979 AC; 1983 AACS; 2002 AACS; 2013 AACS; 2015 MR 7, Eff. April 14, 2015