Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41864

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.41864 - Inside storage room

Rule 1864.

(1) An inside storage room shall be constructed to meet the required fire resistance rating for its use. The construction shall meet the test specifications in The National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 251 "Standard Methods of Fire Testing of Building Construction and Materials," 1990 edition, which is adopted by reference in R 408.41802.
(2) Openings from an inside storage room to another room or building shall be provided with noncombustible liquid-tight raised sills or ramps at least 4 inches in height or else the floor in the storage area shall be at least 4 inches below the surrounding floor. Openings shall be provided with approved self-closing fire doors.
(3) If wood shelving, racks, dunnage, or floor overlay is used in the room, it shall be not less than 1 inch nominal thickness.
(4) Where other portions of the building or other buildings are exposed, windows shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 80 "Standard for Fire Doors and Windows," 1970 edition, for Class E or F openings, as adopted in R 408.41802.
(5) A material that will react with water to create a fire hazard shall not be stored in the same room with a flammable liquid.
(6) Quantities of flammable liquids stored in an inside storage room shall be limited in accordance with the criteria prescribed in table 3.
(7) Every inside storage room shall be provided with either a gravity or a mechanical exhausting system and meet all of the following provisions:
(a) A switch located outside of the door of the inside storage room shall control the mechanical exhausting system and any lighting fixtures.
(b) An electric pilot light shall be installed adjacent to the switch if category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids are dispensed within the room.
(c) The exhausting system shall commence not more than 12 inches above the floor and be designed to provide for a complete change of air within the room not less than 6 times per hour when flammable liquids are stored in the room.
(d) Where gravity ventilation is provided, the fresh air intake, as well as the exhausting outlet from the room, shall be on the exterior of the building in which the room is located.
(8) An inside storage room shall have at least 1 aisle which shall be not less than 3 feet in width and which shall be maintained free of obstructions.
(9) Containers that have more than a 30-gallon capacity shall not be stacked one upon another.
(10) Table 3 reads as follows:


Fixed Fire Protection Provided Fire Resistance Rating of Room Maximum Size Of Storage Area Total Allowable Quantities Gallons/Square Foot/Floor Area
Yes 2 hours 500 square feet 10
No 2 hours 500 square feet 4
Yes 1 hour 150 square feet 5
No 1 hour 150 square feet 2
NOTE: Fire protection system shall be sprinkler, water spray, carbon dioxide, or other system approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for this purpose.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41864

1979 AC; 1983; AACS; 1995 AACS; 2002 AACS; 2015 MR 7, Eff. April 14, 2015