Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41853

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.41853 - Fixed fire equipment

Rule 1853.

(1) Sprinkler protection shall be as follows:
(a) If the facility being constructed includes the installation of automatic sprinkler protection, the installation shall closely follow the construction and be placed in service as soon as applicable laws permit following completion of each story.
(b) In all structures in which standpipes are required, or where standpipes exist in structures being altered, they shall be brought up as soon as applicable laws permit, and shall be maintained as construction progresses in such a manner that they are always ready for fire protection use. The standpipes shall be provided with Siamese fire department connections on the outside of the structure, at the street level, which shall be conspicuously marked.
(2) During demolition or alterations, an existing sprinkler or standpipe system shall be maintained in service in any portion of a structure that is not subject to demolition or alteration. The operation of a sprinkler control valve shall be permitted only by a properly authorized person. Modification of a sprinkler system to permit alterations or additional demolition shall be expedited so that the automatic protection may be returned to service as quickly as possible. Sprinkler control valves shall be checked daily at the close of work to ascertain whether the protection is in service. When the sprinkler or standpipe system is out of service for other than routine maintenance, the local fire department and the building manager or designated representative shall be notified. A sign shall be posted on each fire department connection that is out of service and the balance of the service shall be tested and resealed in operable condition, where required, and both the fire department and the building manager or designated representative shall be advised that the system is again in service.
(3) A standpipe and hose system shall have not less than 1 outlet per story.
(4) An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained as prescribed in The National Fire Protection Association Standards NFPA 13 "Installation of Sprinkler Systems," 1991 edition; NFPA 14 "Standard For The Installation Of Standpipe, Private Hydrants And Hose Systems," 2000 edition; and NFPA 25 "Inspection, Testing, And Maintenance Of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems," 1998 edition. The standards are adopted by reference in R 408.41802.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41853

1979 AC; 1983 AACS; 1995 AACS; 2002 AACS; 2015 MR 7, Eff. April 14, 2015