Browse as ListSearch Within- Communicable and Related Disease
- Section R. 325.171 - Definitions
- Section R. 325.172 - Disease reporting
- Section R. 325.173 - Reporting and surveillance requirements
- Section R. 325.174 - Investigation of diseases, infections, epidemics, and situations with potential for causing diseases
- Section R. 325.175 - Procedures for physicians, local health officers, and schools for control of diseases and infections
- Section R. 325.176 - Immunizations required of children attending group programs or entering school
- Section R. 325.177 - Provision of care by local health departments for venereal disease; maintenance of test records after provision of pregnancy care
- Section R. 325.178 - Rescinded
- Section R. 325.179 - Submission of tuberculosis laboratory specimens and test results
- Section R. 325.179a - Submission of other designated conditions specimens
- Section R. 325.179b - Submission of HIV laboratory specimens
- Section R. 325.180 - Procedures for control of rabies; disposition of rabid animals
- Section R. 325.181 - Confidentiality of reports, records, and data pertaining to testing, diagnosis, care, treatment, reporting, and research
- Section R. 325.182 - Newborn eye prophylaxis
- Section R. 325.199 - Rescissions