Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.3266

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 325.3266 - Requests for changes to vital records documents; eligible persons

Rule 16.

(1) A change to a registered birth record may be requested by any of the following:
(a) The parents named on the record.
(b) A parent not named on the record who can establish that he or she may be named pursuant to section 2824 of the code for the purpose of having his or her name added to the record.
(c) The legal guardian of the registrant.
(d) The registrant, if 18 years of age or older.
(e) An heir to the registrant, if the registrant and the parents of the registrant are deceased.
(f) The individual or facility administrator responsible for filing the original certificate.
(g) A legal representative of any individual listed in subdivisions (a) to (f) of this subrule.
(2) A change to a registered death record may be requested by any of the following:
(a) The next of kin of the deceased.
(b) The funeral director or the person responsible for the disposition of the deceased.
(c) The physician who certified to the cause of death, as follows:
(i) The physician who certified to the cause of death may only request a change to the following:
(A) The date of death.
(B) The place of death.
(C) The medical facts of death.
(ii) In cases where a physician has certified to the cause and manner of death in his or her capacity as a medical examiner or deputy medical examiner, requests to amend the cause or manner of death on the death record may be made by any of the following:
(A) The physician who certified to the cause of death.
(B) The chief medical examiner.
(C) A deputy medical examiner, other than the original certifier, who is authorized by the chief medical examiner to request a change to a registered record.

The chief medical examiner shall provide the state registrar with a listing of the names of deputy medical examiners authorized to request amendments to records for which they are not the certifier. The chief medical examiner shall notify the state registrar when there are changes to the list of authorized deputy medical examiners.

(iii) In cases where the certifying physician is now deceased, requests may be made by a physician who attests to having knowledge of the facts of death.
(iv) In all cases where the physician who makes the request is not the certifying physician named on the registered record, the name of the certifying physician on the replacement record shall be changed to reflect the name of the new certifying physician.
(3) Requests to change a registered marriage record shall be made pursuant to Act No. 128 of the Public Acts of 1887, as amended, being S551.101 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(4) A change to a registered report of divorce or annulment may be requested by any of the following:
(a) The custodian of the official record from which the report was prepared when the items to be changed are part of the divorce or annulment decree.
(b) Query by the state registrar when the items to be changed are not part of the divorce or annulment decree.
(c) Either of the parties to the divorce or annulment when the items to be changed are not part of the divorce or annulment decree.
(d) The legal representative of either of the parties of the divorce or annulment when the items to be changed are not part of the divorce or annulment decree.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.3266

1981 AACS