Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.72

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 325.72 - Reportable information

Rule 2.

(1) Reportable information is specifically related to patients with known or suspected non-suicidal, non-medicinal chemical poisonings.
(2) Clinical laboratory evidence of overexposure to a chemical poison, defined as a laboratory test result outside of that laboratory's reference range, shall be considered evidence of known or suspected chemical poisoning.
(3) The health professional or health facility shall submit its report a format that ensures the inclusion of the information listed under subdivisions (a) to (e) of this subrule as applicable.
(a) All of the following information, with respect to the patient, shall be provided:
(i) Last and first name and middle initial.
(ii) Sex.
(iii) Race, if available.
(iv) Ethnic group, if available.
(v) Birth date or age.
(vi) Residential address.
(vii) Telephone number.
(viii) If the individual is a minor, the name of a parent or guardian.
(ix) If the individual is an adult, the name and address of his or her employer, if available.
(b) If the reporting entity is a health care provider or health facility other than a clinical laboratory, the following diagnostic information shall be provided, in addition to information specified in R 325.72(3)(a):
(i) The date of diagnosis.
(ii) The diagnosis, including diagnostic code, if available.
(iii) Brief narrative of the poisoning event, including date, location, and type of chemical poison involved, and any other information considered by the health professional/health facility to be related to health of the public.
(iv) Brief narrative of the patient signs and symptoms, clinical findings, results of diagnostic tests, and clinical outcome.
(c) If the reporting entity is a clinical laboratory, the following information shall be provided in addition to information specified in R 325.72(3)(a):
(i) Name of the clinical test performed.
(ii) Test result including units of measurement.
(iii) Laboratory reference range including units of measurement.
(iv) Date laboratory test was ordered.
(d) Name, address, telephone, and other contact information shall be provided for the reporting health professional. If the reporting entity is a health facility, contact information for the diagnosing/treating/ordering physician shall be provided.
(e) Name, address, telephone and other contact information for the health facility shall be provided if the reporting entity is the facility.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.72

2007 AACS; 2009 AACS