Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.208

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.208 - STEMI care regions

Rule 8.

(1) The department, with the advice and recommendations of the statewide STEMI care advisory subcommittee and state EMS coordination committee, shall support the establishment and operational activities of the STEMI regions through the commitment of resources.
(2) Each region shall establish a regional STEMI system of care as prescribed and defined by R 330.201 to R 330.211.
(3) All MCAs within an area or region shall participate in the regional STEMI system of care, and life support agencies that care for STEMI patients shall be offered membership on the regional STEMI care advisory council. Regional STEMI care advisory councils must be operated in a manner that maximizes inclusion of their constituents. Regional STEMI care advisory councils must be operated in a manner that maximizes inclusion of their constituents and meets all of the following requirements:
(a) Not less than quarterly, a regional STEMI system of care shall submit evidence of ongoing activity, such as meeting notices and minutes, to the department. Annually, the regional STEMI care advisory council shall file a report with the department that describes ongoing progress toward regional STEMI care plan implementation and includes evidence that members of the regional STEMI care advisory council are currently involved in STEMI care.
(b) The regional STEMI system of care shall develop a regional STEMI care plan. The plan is subject to review by the statewide STEMI care advisory subcommittee and state EMS coordination committee and approval by the department.
(c) The department shall review the plan to ensure that it contains at a minimum, all of the following:
(i) All counties within the regional STEMI system have been included unless a specific county, or portion thereof, has been aligned within an adjacent STEMI system, and all healthcare entities, MCAs, and life support agencies have had an opportunity to participate in the planning process.
(ii) All of the following components have been addressed:
(A) STEMI risk reduction.
(B) Communications.
(C) Regional performance improvement.
(D) STEMI education.
(E) Infrastructure.
(F) Continuum of care.
(4) Each regional STEMI system of care shall appoint a RPSRO as defined in R 330.203(f).
(5) Each regional STEMI care advisory council shall develop performance improvement plans that are based on standards under R 330.211. The performance improvement plan shall be reviewed annually by the statewide STEMI care advisory subcommittee and state EMS coordination committee for recommendations to the department.
(6) Recommendations developed and proposed for implementation by a regional STEMI care advisory council must meet or exceed those that are established by the department with the advice and recommendations of the statewide STEMI care advisory subcommittee and state EMS coordination committee, as based on standards that are incorporated by reference in these rules, pursuant to R 330.204(1)(o) and R 325.204(1)(p).
(7) The department shall recognize the regional STEMI system once it approves a completed regional work plan. The regional STEMI system approval process must consist of the following phases:
(a) The first phase is the application phase, which begins with the submission to the department of a completed regional plan for the regional STEMI system.
(b) The second phase is the review phase, which begins after the receipt of the regional plan and ends with a department recommendation to approve the regional STEMI system.
(c) The third phase is the final phase, with the department making a final decision regarding the regional STEMI system plan. This phase also includes an appeal procedure for the denial of an approval of application in accordance with the department's administrative hearings requirements.
(8) If the application phase results in a recommendation to the department for approval by the statewide STEMI care advisory subcommittee and the state EMS coordination committee, and the department approves, then the department shall notify the regional STEMI system applicant of recommended action within 90 days after receipt by the department.
(9) Upon approval, a regional STEMI care advisory council shall implement the plan to include the following:
(a) Education of all entities about the plan components.
(b) On-going review of resources, process, and outcome data.
(10) The regional STEMI system approval is in effect for 3 years.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.208

2023 MR 22, Eff. 11/9/2023