Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7260

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.7260 - Declaratory rulings

Rule 7260.

(1) A person who requests a decision concerning the applicability of a statute, rule, guideline, or order administered or issued by the department to an actual state of facts shall do so by means of a request for a declaratory ruling.
(2) The request for a declaratory ruling shall be made on the department's form 2447 which may be obtained from Office Services, Sixth Floor, Lewis Cass Building, Lansing, Michigan 48926.
(3) The completed request for a declaratory ruling shall be made to the director, Department of Mental Health, Lewis Cass Building, Lansing, Michigan 48926.
(4) The director may refer a request to the administrative tribunal of the department. An opinion on the request shall be rendered within 60 days of the receipt of that request.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7260

1981 AACS