Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7199

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 330.7199 - Written plan of services

Rule 7199.

(1) The individualized written plan of services is the fundamental document in the recipient's record. A provider shall retain all periodic reviews, modifications, and revisions of the plan in the recipient's record.
(2) The plan shall identify, at a minimum, all of the following:
(a) All individuals, including family members, friends, and professionals that the individual desires or requires to be part of the planning process.
(b) The services, supports, and treatments that the recipient requested of the provider.
(c) The services, supports, and treatments committed by the responsible mental health agency to honor the recipient's request specified in subdivision (b) of this subrule.
(d) The person or persons who will assume responsibility for assuring that the committed services and supports are delivered.
(e) When the recipient can reasonably expect each of the committed services and supports to commence, and, in the case of recurring services or supports, how frequently, for what duration, and over what period of time.
(f) How the committed mental health services and supports will be coordinated with the recipient's natural support systems and the services and supports provided by other public and private organizations.
(g) Limitations of the recipient's rights. Limitations of the recipients rights, any intrusive behavior treatment techniques, or any use of psycho-active drugs for behavior control purposes shall be reviewed and approved by a specially constituted body comprised of at least 3 individuals, 1 of whom shall be a fully- or limited- licensed psychologist with the formal training or experience in applied behavior analysis, and 1 of whom shall be a licensed physician/psychiatrist. Both of the following apply:
(i) Limitations of the recipients rights, any intrusive treatment techniques or any use of psychoactive drugs where the target behavior is due to an active substantiated Axis 1 psychiatric diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders need not be reviewed and approved by a specially constituted body described in this subdivision. DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision), 2000, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is adopted by reference and can be obtained from American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209 at a cost of $60.00. This manual is also available from the Michigan Department of Community Health, Office of Psychiatric and Medical Services, 320 South Walnut, Lansing, MI 48913 for the cost noted above plus $20.00 shipping and handling.
(ii) Any limitation shall be justified, time-limited, and clearly documented in the plan of service. Documentation shall be included that describes attempts that have been made to avoid limitations, as well as what actions will be taken as part of the plan to ameliorate or eliminate the need for the limitations in the future.
(h) Strategies for assuring that a recipient has access to needed and available supports identified through a review of his or her needs. Areas of possible need may include any of the following:
(i) Food.
(ii) Shelter.
(iii) Clothing.
(iv) Physical health care.
(v) Employment.
(vi) Education.
(vii) Legal services.
(viii) Transportation.
(ix) Recreation.
(i) A description of any involuntary procedures and the legal basis for performing them.
(j) A specific date or dates when the overall plan, and any of its subcomponents will be formally reviewed for possible modification or revision.
(3) The plan shall not contain privileged information or communications.
(4) Except as otherwise noted in subrule (5) of this rule, the individual plan of service shall be formally agreed to in whole or in part by the responsible mental health agency and the recipient, his or her guardian, if any, or the parent who has legal custody of a minor recipient. If the appropriate signatures are unobtainable, then the responsible mental health agency shall document witnessing verbal agreement to the plan. Copies of the plan shall be provided to the recipient, his or her guardian, if any, or the parent who has legal custody of a minor recipient.
(5) Implementation of a plan without agreement of the recipient, his or her guardian, if any, or parent who has legal custody of a minor recipient may only occur when a recipient has been adjudicated under section 469a, 472a, 473, 515, 518, or 519 of the act. However, if the proposed plan in whole or in part is implemented without the concurrence of the adjudicated recipient or his or her guardian, if any, or the parent who has legal custody of a minor recipient, then the stated objections of the recipient or his or her guardian or the parent who has legal custody of a minor recipient shall be included in the plan.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 330.7199

1979 AC; 1984 AACS; 1986 AACS; 1990 AACS; 1998 AACS; 2007 AACS; 2009 AACS; 2012 AACS